Chapter 21

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It’s been nearly a month and still no sign of Alice anywhere! I feel like I’m going crazy! She couldn’t have disappeared off the face of the planet. I knew she would come back, I had this feeling something awful was coming and the wait was killing me.

“Rori, stop looking around! People are staring!” Digger snickered and poked my side. I was surprised when he didn’t leave a few days after the incident. I was even more surprised when Declan didn’t make him leave. They’ve talked out their issues and seem to be close as ever but there was always a reserved air about them. Like they were waiting for something to come up and break the bond they were working on mending. “I know, I’m sorry.” I didn’t share the lingering feeling of doom I had.

It was just the three of us, Deco, Digger and I. The boys had a shows over the next week and thankfully that gave me a peace of mind that if anything were to happen, they would be safe. Harry and I had been talking daily, well a few times a day, and seemed to be getting closer. I had yet to tell Declan and Niall about the events that occurred between Harry and me that night at the pool. I knew it would crush them and I didn’t want to hurt them anymore. I had been keeping a distance from them both…well an emotional distance.

We walked into the small restaurant, taking a seat near the back so I could keep watch on the door. I knew I would go crazy soon from all this paranoia. That’s probably what she wants! The new voice sounded in my head. I wanted so badly to shut her up but somewhere deep down I knew she was right and that listening to her would help keep me safe and on guard. With that in mind I relaxed and ordered. I was silent throughout most of the meal and I could tell the guys were feeling the tension around me.

“I’ll get the check, you and Deco go get the car.” Digger announced pulling me out of my trance. “Y-yeah…ok.” I said while getting out of my chair and letting Deco take me hand. We walked out the door when he pulled me back and faced me. “Rori, I’m worried about you. I-I know you’re worried about Alice but…they’ll catch her! Just try to relax please.” He sounded so pained, I knew he was still conflicted with his feelings for her and the actions she chose to take. He really did care for her and to have her do all she did just to get back at me, it really was a mind fuck for him. “I’ll try, I just have this feeling ya know. Once they find her I’ll be fine, back to normal.” I tried my best to give a genuine smile. “I promise.” With that, I turned and walked to the car.


“So you’ll be back late tonight?” I nearly yelled in excitement over the phone to Harry. He said they had to a few days off and were coming back to do a few TV appearances. “Yes, I still have the key so if it gets too late, don’t wait up! Just go to bed and I’ll let myself in…if you’re ok with that?” He sounded worried, like I would say no! I chuckled and told him that if he didn’t, I might have to consider making Niall stay with me. He knew it was a joke, thankfully. With an “I can’t wait to see you, I’ve missed you so much! I’ll see you tonight.” He hung up.

I ran down the stairs looking for Digger, Deco had to work tonight so he, of course, was on ‘babysit the crazy one known as Rori’ detail. I didn’t mind so much but I really didn’t want him here tonight when Harry came back. I finally made up my mind about really giving him a chance and telling the others, so I needed to talk to Harry but I also had other plans in mind for our together too.

I found Digger on the couch watch a game and sat next to him, I didn’t really know what to say to get him out of the house but I had time to come up with something. It was only 6pm now and I knew Harry wouldn’t be here until at least midnight. “Hey, wanna go get some grub? I’m kinda hungry and Deco isn’t here to cook for us.” I said with a pouty face. “When are ya gonna learn to cook for yourself, lass?” he chuckled and went to get up. Holding out a hand for me to take, he slid his toms on and we locked up behind us.


During dinner I had told Digger everything that had happened between Harry and myself and what I planned on doing since they’d be here for a few days. I would sit down Niall and Declan and tell them everything. He didn’t seem as shocked as I had anticipated.

“You really tink I didn’t know bout you two? I’m slow but not THAT slow!” he laughed pulling into the driveway. I was so caught up in laughing with him I almost didn’t notice the beam of light flickering around upstairs in my bedroom. Almost! Digger watched me, then turned to see what had caught my attention. “Did you leave a light on?” he said, all playfulness in his voice gone now.

“No. Everything was turned off when we lef-” I was cut off by the light moving, “Look! It’s moving!...Someone’s in the house!” I didn’t realize I was trying to get out of the door until Digger grab my arm and pulled me back in. “Rori! What the hell? You don’t go runnin’ to the light! Call 999!” I knew I should listen to him but this was my chance! I had to get back at this bitch, I couldn’t explain it but I had to! Without another word I ripped my hand from Diggers grip and bolted from the car.

I quickly ran up the few steps leading to the door and could see the lock broken. I pushed it aside creating a loud thump when it hit the side of the wall. Shit! Way to be stealthy, you freaking twat! I cursed myself. Continuing towards the steps I could hear faint voices. Voices? Someone was whispering to someone else to keep quiet. Then there was silence. I was only on the third step when a loud thud rang from my bedroom. Without thinking further I ran up to my room and through the door open.

I was beyond shocked to see not only Alice but also Declan and Harry on the floor. Deco had his hands behind his back while Harry was knocked out. A small trickle of blood running from the side of his head onto carpet. Alice was press under Deco’s legs, struggling to push them off. Before I could reach them, she wiggled out and reached for something near my bed. Standing up I could see it was the bat I kept nearby incase this type of scenario every happened.

I went to charge at her, I figured since she was smaller than me, I could tackle her and pin her easily. I was midair and a second away from connecting with her when saw the bat come up from my peripheral vision. With a loud crack everything went blank.

*Ok so, I'm gonna try and update the final chapter tomorrow!*

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