IV. Write from your Heart: Pinkangel2127

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Our next featured author is such a talented one especially that her stories are not just limited in one particular genre and yes, Ive learned a lot from her 'writing tips' just like the previous authors featured. Go grab a pen now, and a paper (or if you dont have, screen shot this) and share to budding writers too.

Username: Pinkangel2127

I started posting stories on Wattpad since last year (2014). My first ever Wattpad story is LIRA, a YA vampire/fantasy novel.

Number of Works Published: 11 completed, 4 on-going.

Location: Zamboanga City, Philippines

Favorite Wattpad Author/s:

I absolutely love MinaVE and her Interim Goddess of Love Trilogy. I admire her writing style which really suits well in her YA and ChicLit novellas. DyslexicParanoia is also one of my favorites. She writes cross-genre novels, which is really quite difficult to pull off. But she's amazing; I adore her. You must read her books. LaDameBlache is also a fave of mine. I just love her fantasy novels and her characters so much, I already declared Price Laen as ONE of my fictional husbands. Hahaha!

My Life Quote: Proverbs 16:3 Commit your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

As a writer:

I usually get inspiration from absolutely anything, everything and everywhere. One time, I was riding the jeepney, and this dude beside me was playing CoC on his phone. Then a story hit me. But if I really want to be in the zone-in a writing mood, that is-I usually grab my iPod and just play some music.

There is no particular time when she writes best but as she said, her writing style actually depends "on who is my target audience or how I want my story to go. Sometimes I write in first POV for my teen fictions. But I prefer using third person point of view. To be honest, I really don't have a 'writing style.' I just write whatever that pops into my head."

Here message for those who would like to start writing:

Do not give up. Seriously, don't. At first you might think that nobody's reading your story anyway, so why bother writing? Keep on writing because it is what you love to do. And if you put all your heart into it, if you really love what you do, your readers will fall in love with your stories, too.

Writing tips

First, you have to read books. Read a book, and when you're done reading, read some more. Read books that you know will help you develop your writing skills. Pay attention to your English /Filipino language teacher. Hahaha! Before you start writing your story, it will really help you a lot if you will, at least, write a chapter outline so you'll know the flow of your story. There are so many ways and techniques on how to write a novel. All you need to do is make a little research. Google is your friend. And lastly, write from your heart!

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