IX: Putting Emotions in your Stories: The_unborn_nightmare

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Our next featured writer is a brother from another planet (country I mean) whose stories are very unique. He is one of those first wattpad writers I became friends with when I started and up until now.

Username: The_unborn_nightmare
Started Writing in Wattpad for 2 years
Number of Works Published: 4

Location: I live in Puerto Rico and my favorite authors are you (blushing now) AH_Agustus and horror hottie.

My Life Quote: Love to be loved, love to be remembered but most importantly love no matter what. It's not about getting it's about giving.

As a writer
I get inspiration from music and other writers like AH_Agustus and you (wow)
I write best when I'm really inspired and when it's a cold and grey day

Writing tips

Write what you feel and always have fun writing. Votes and views don't matter, what matters is being yourself and putting emotion in your stories.

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