XVII: WaitingForACowboy: Dont Give Up

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And now PLUMA is back! Yey! and to start with, here's a feature to one of my favorite wattpad authors and a very dear friend, Liza whose writing style is just superb. She is young and yet she makes me feel like reading a bestseller! hihihi. So now with the feature....

Username: WaitingForACowboyWaitingForACowboy 

Started Writing in Wattpad since: I was eleven

Number of Works Publishes: Three-ish 

Location: Somewhere Over the Rainbow 

Favorite Wattpad Author/s: Caitlyn Coker 

My Life Quote: If at first you don't succeed, then destroy all evidence that showed that you tried.

As writer: 

I usually get inspiration from other books that are around that time period. I write best during the times when the internet is off so I stay off of Facebook. 

My writing style is for young adults.(Young Girl Adults.) 

For those who would like to start writing, my message is: Go for it!

Writing Tips:

 Keep writing! Even if just one person (or even no one) is reading your book, keep writing! I started off with only my cousin reading my book, but now it has over 11K views, and over 800 votes. So just keep writing! (The best authors are the ones that don't give up.) 

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