Snapes mistake

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The response from my little 'show' at breakfast was incredible. I had approximately 100 students sign themselves up for dance lessons. I was over the moon. As I sat at one of the long tables writing out my first year one dance class timetables, I spotted Severus walking past the entrance hall. I stopped and watched him go out into the grounds. I contemplated following him but decided that if he was the slightest bit interested, then he could come to me. As it turns out, he seemed to be actively trying to avoid me. Everytime I walked into a room he would just be leaving. At meal times he would conveniently be finishing as I sat down. I was starting to feel very put out and incredibly annoyed by the entire situation. Why was he being so childish? At least I was kept busy by non stop dance classes. The students were amazing. They seemed to revel in the freedom that dancing generated. I was very fond of them all. What I enjoyed the most was watching the houses mingling with each other. As my dance classes were so popular, I had no choice but to club all the houses together according to their years, and split them into even smaller groups (which I called sets) judging by their ability. Set 1 was for my top dancers. The ones that really excelled. Set 2 was for my wonderful middle range dancers. The ones that showed potential. Set 3 was for the ones who just enjoyed dancing for fun. At present I was teaching three year one classes, four year two classes (two set 1s), four year three classes (two set 2s), three year four classes and two classes of mixed five and six years! I was non stop busy, but it was wonderful. I had even managed to befriend some of the other professors. Professor Flitwick was always so lovely to talk to, but the person I liked the talking to the most was Minerva Mcgonagall. Whenever I managed to grab some time to myself, l loved nothing more than listening to her telling stories of Hogwarts and it's history. I particularly enjoyed hearing about the secret passages hidden within the castle, and I learnt very quickly that there was indeed more to Hogwarts then first meets the eye. I found quite a few of the secret passages around the school. I will admit that most of the time I discovered them by sheer accident! About two weeks after I had been at Hogwarts, I managed to get myself stuck behind a tapestry of a hunting scene whilst trying out a short cut. As soon as I walked through the tapestry a wall materialised behind me. So I couldn't turn back. When I tried to leave through another tapestry all I could see was total darkness. I was starting to panic when I heard footsteps approaching. I called out for help. The footsteps stopped. "Hello?" called a voice that made my heart quiver. It was Severus Snape. "Oh no." I muttered under my breath. Now he's going to think I'm a complete idiot. I took a deep breath. "Hello," I called, "can you help me get out of this corridor?" I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I pressed my back against the wall and hoped beyond hope that he was still there. I watched as his hand appeared and pulled the tapestry back. I lunged forward, I was so relieved to be free of the corridor that I practically bowled over Severus in my hast. He stumbled backwards as I landed in his arms. I looked up into his eyes and quickly stepped away. "I'm so sorry." I apologised as he straightened himself. "I was starting to think I was going to be stuck there forever!" I babbled. I saw the faintest of smiles cross his lips. "you're welcome." He muttered, "perhaps you could do with a map to ensure you don't make the same mistake again?" I looked at him, trying to make out if he was joking. Maybe being trapped behind that tapestry had effected me more than I first thought, because I didn't find what be just said very funny at all. He must have realised his error because of the look on my face his own expression fell. "I didn't mean to..." He began, but I cut him off with a raised hand. "No, don't you go worrying about me professor Snape." I said cooly, "I can manage just fine thank you." and with that I turned abruptly and marched down the corridor. I had just turned the corner when the hot, angry tears which had been gathering at the corners of my eyes fell. I drew in a shaky breath and hastily wiped my eyes with my cloak sleeve. The last thing I wanted right now was for him to see me cry.


I watched her storm down the corridor. I had no idea why the conversation had taken such a down turn. Well, perhaps the map comment had been a little distasteful. But I certainly never meant to upset her. I was rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do next. Should I follow her? Should I apologise? This was all new territory for me. In the end I decided to leave her be. I turned and walked in the opposite direction. I had managed to avoid being alone with Phoenix since our first meeting. To be honest I still didn't know whether I completely trusted her. She seemed to good to be true. And in my experience if something seemed too good to be true it usually ended up being correct. There was always a catch. What if she had been sent here to spy on the school, spy on me? I stopped and looked out of the window to my left. I had plenty of enemies out there. Plenty of people who knew of my sordid past. Or perhaps I was just letting my imagination get the better of me. Without realising what I was doing I had began to rub my left forearm. I hadn't felt it burn for ten years, but I had found myself thinking about it more and more frequently. Next year Harry Potter will be turning eleven, and will be receiving his own Hogwarts letter. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Lilly and James' son for the first time. Dumbledore was convinced that there was worse yet to come, and I had to reluctantly agree with him. With Harry Potter came the chance that the Dark Lord will return, more terrible and more destructive than before. These thoughts plagued my every waking moments. There wasn't even any respite when I was asleep. My dreams were filled with darkness and death. Could Phoenix really be associated with the Dark Lord? What if another death eater had coerst her into coming to Hogwarts? I stared out towards the forest. I could just about see her cottage from here. I squirmed uncomfortably. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes, and I had just sent her off in tears. Even if she was a spy I couldn't leave it on that note. I turned on my heels and headed down the corridor. I knew what I wanted to do. I just hope it would be enough.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now