Dancing in the moonlight

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I could barely keep my excitement under control during my lesson. Some of the brighter students had even picked up on this. "Are you alright Professor? " asked Flora King. A fifth year Hufflepuff. I beamed at her. "Oooh yes." I said as I flicked my wand towards my magical music player. As the beat of the music filled the room, my heart was close to bursting with excitement. I was still concerned about the aftermath of our 'moment' in the teachers lounge, but for now I was forcing the niggling doubts to the back of my mind. After all how often could A girl say she's kissed Severus Snape! The very memory of that kiss made my entire body react inappropriately.
Luckily, the rest of my lessons passed in a blur and before I knew it I was in my bedroom trying to pick out an outfit to wear at dinner. I wanted to look irresistible but I didn't want to draw too much attention from the students or the other professors for that matter. I must have tried on at least ten different outfits until I found the one. It was a midnight blue floor length gown. It was tight and was held up by a single strap on my left shoulder. There was also a split in the side of the dress that reached my thigh. It was perfect. I slipped on some high heeled blue shoes, ran my fingers through my wavy hair and pulled on my cloak. I tried to rein in my excitement but it kept bubbling over as I walked gingerly across the grounds.
I emerged into the hall feeling very nervous. I could feel eyes watching me as I walked past the tables, but I only had eyes for one. He was talking to Minerva Mcgonagall who was sat to his left but she had caught sight of me and was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Severus turned to follow her gaze and his jaw dropped. He immediately regained his composure as I joined him at the teachers table. He stood up and held my chair out for me looking slightly awkward. As he slowly sat down next to me he whispered in my ear; "you look so beautiful." I looked up at him and smiled. "You don't look so bad yourself. " I purred as I took in his black button down suit with matching black trousers. We both fell silent. You could almost hear the atmosphere between us sizzling. As our plates filled up magically I turned to Severus. "Where does the food come from?" I asked. He looked at me with both eyebrows raised. "really?" He replied, he was clearly taken aback by my question. "I've always wanted to know." I shrugged starting to feel my cheeks glow with embarrassment. He looked at me intently, then flashed me the smallest of smiles. "All of the food prepared at Hogwarts is made and served by house elves." He replied. I nodded my head in response. Of course that made complete sense. I looked back at my dinner. I wished he would say something. Then, right on cue he nudged me in the arm, "I can't stop thinking about earlier on." He muttered. The biggest smile swept across my face as I looked up at him through my eyelashes. I then proceeded to eat my dinner feeling infinitely better about the entire situation.
During the course of the evening Severus and I managed to converse with relative ease. However he was still very difficult to read. This was a man who kept his cards close to his chest. I told him about my dance career, whilst he talked of his wide variety of potions. It was lovely to be actually talking to each other. The longer we spoke the more he seemed to be relaxing in my company. However, before we knew it dinner was over and the students were sleepily making their way to their common rooms. Severus looked out across the hall. It was like watching him go under a spell. His eyes grew darker and his body language became more closed off. He was locking himself down, putting on his game face, so to speak. I looked down at my hands. I couldn't help but feel upset. I didn't want this evening to end. I didn't want him to leave me. I had noticed that Severus had remained seated, so I decided to do the same. We watched in silence as the last few students left the hall, then I felt his warm hand slide into my lap and take my hand in his. "Can I walk you home? " He asked quietly. I got up from the table, still holding his hand and proceeded to leave the great hall.
We were completely alone as we crossed the entrance hall and walked into the stary night. There was a slight chill in the air and I began to shiver. Severus must have felt it because he pulled me closer to him. My heart rate accelerated. We walked in silence, just enjoying each others closeness. Before I knew it we were outside my garden gate.
I didn't want much in life, but I knew more than anything in this world that I did not want this moment to end. I turned slowly so Severus and I were face to face. He was looking at me so intensely that I knew he felt the same way. "Dance with me." I whispered suddenly.
His body became tense and he shook his head. "I don't dance." He replied. I gave him a look. "All you need to do is hold me close. " I murmured into his ear. Then very slowly I started to sway my body. I placed his hands on my hips as I gently moved to my own internal rhythm. He pulled me into him so I was flush against his body and started to move very slowly with me. We danced in silence under the moon and stars. Not caring about our pasts, just enjoying our present.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now