Chapter 1

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Ezekiel POV

"Wake up sissy. We're gonna be late." I say into Ellisa's ear. She groans and gets up.

"Remind me why you're making us go to school on a Saturday." She says as she stretches and I sit down next to her. "Geez go brush your teeth. And because it doesn't hurt to raise our grades up." I say and she sticks her tongue out at me.

"Or you just really want to find your mate. Ezekiel I get it, you want to find her and become alpha. But... you shouldn't stress it so much."

I look over at her and sadness is evident on her face. "You just don't want to find your mate. And I know why." She turns her gaze to me. "Why wouldn't I want to find my mate ?" She says confused.

"Baby sister I can read your thoughts, you do remember that right ? It's called our twinnection (twin- connection)." "Did you really make up your own word ?" She says with a smirk.

"Yes now stop interrupting me. You're scared your mate is a guy and he'll be a future alpha and whisk you away from me." I say and feel sad. My sister is my world. If I don't have her then who would I have ?

"You're right... It's just, man. If my mate is a guy then that means that I'm just a phony lesbian. And I've liked girls my whole life. And I especially don't want him to be a future alpha if he is a him. I'm not leaving. This is my home. You, mom and dad are my home. I won't just leave you guys." She says and rests her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"Mom left her pack for dad's." I whisper to her. "I know but I won't be like her. She had no reason to stay in her pack, but I do. I'm not gonna just leave my family." She says. "Okay well, enough of that talk. Go take a shower. I'll pick out an outfit for you." I say and get up to go towards her closet.

I pick out her favorite ripped jeans with black Dr Martins and a plain white t shirt. She'll love this, since we'll match and she loves matching to be people's brother sister goals.

"I'm coming out !" She says from her bathroom, and I walk out and make sure to lock the door before I close it. "Ayyye I love this outfit!! We're matching right ?" She says through the door. "Yup." I say back.

After about 20 minutes, she's still not out. "What are you doing ? Stitching your clothes ?" I say and walk in. She's sitting in front of her mirror and curling her hair, the long straight hair she got from our mom. She only has about 2 pieces left and I touch the curls. "Hey!" She says and burns my hand with the curler. "Ow!" I say, watching the burn heal.

"Don't touch!" She says and finishes her hair. "Alright let's go." She says and grabs her phone and bag.

"Mom! Dad! We're leaving!" I scream. They walk out their bedroom, dads arms around mom. Dad in basketball shorts, only basketball shorts, and mom in his shirt. I don't wanna know if there's something underneath or not.

Mom giggles and dad faces us. "Where you guys going ?" He asks. "To school. He's forcing me." "Whatever, we have basketball practice after anyway."

"Okay, well have fun and be home before 10." Dad says seriously. "And no going to friends houses!" Mom says as we're walking out the door. "Aye aye captain." Ellisa says.

We walk over to the car we share, an Audi R8, and I drive us to school.

Ellisa POV

As soon as we get to school, I see my girlfriend walk up to us. "Hey baby. Wassup Ezekiel." She says and wraps her arms around my waist. "Hey Nick, I'll see you guys later." He says. Her name is Nicole, but she only likes when people call her Nick. I'm the only exception, but I only call her Nicole when I'm mad at her. We've been dating for 3 years.

"Hey babe. You have soccer practice today?" I ask her as I kiss her neck and wrap my arms around her. "No. I'm just gonna watch yours, and then after take you out. What time you gotta be home ?" She asks. She knows my parents are kind of strict with us and is okay with it. "10." I say and lightly bite her neck then suck it to take the little pain away.

"Good." She says, lowering a hand to grab a butt cheek and kissing me passionately. I hear a growl somewhere and pull back to look around. "What's wrong ?" Nick asks me while looking in the direction I'm watching. "I thought I heard something, I guess not." I say. But I most definitely did hear that growl.

I shrug my shoulders and go back to kissing my sexy girlfriend. She presses our chests together and I have to stand on my tip toes to reach her. So I just jump up and wrap my legs around her waist.

"Umm hey Ellisa." I hear behind us. I jump off Nick and turn around to see my brother's best friend and soon to be beta, Eric.

"Oh hey Eric. Are you looking for Ezekiel ?" I ask, impatiently waiting to go back to kissing my girlfriend. Nick wraps her arms around my waist and presses my butt against her. Eric notices her movements and I see a bit of emotion in his eyes before it's gone after a second. I couldn't even decipher it before it was gone. I wonder what it was...

"Uhh yeah. But I'll just look around, you seem busy." He says. What he really meant was, I'll mind link him.

But he can't just say it out loud since Nick is a human and I haven't exactly told her I'm a werewolf. I mean seriously, how am I supposed to tell her ? Hey babe, yeah I would love to go ice skating, oh how did I heal in 15 seconds you ask ? I'm just a werewolf, no big deal. I would never say it like that.

"Okay, I'll see you later then." I say and he walks away, hands clenched into fists. I turn around to face Nick again and lean in to continue what we started but she pulls away before I can.

"What's wrong ?" I ask and pout. She's a sucker when I pout. "Babe don't pout, I just don't like the way he looks at you." I laugh a little and kiss her cheek. "Don't trip about him. He's just Ezekiel's best friend". "Okay baby. Let's go to the trainer's room. I really don't feel like sitting in a classroom until your practice." She says and wraps her arm around my shoulders.

"Okay." I say and wrap my arm around her waist. I grab my phone from my pocket and go to snapchat, taking a quick selfie of me smiling and Nick off guard looking around the hallways. I post it and we walk into the athletic trainer's room to see Ezekiel and Eric there talking up the trainers assistants.

Eric strokes his girl's arm and she giggles while stepping closer. I feel a hint of jealousy and shock. Jealous that he's touching her, shock because... well why does it affect me ?

"I guess we'll go somewhere else then." Nick says, and all 4 of them look up.

"Oh Nick you're here for icing your ankle right ?" Eric's slutty girl says flirtatiously.

"Yeah." She says and rolls up her joggers. I look over at Eric and glare at him, surprising him and myself. Why am I so mad about this ?? He can date any girl he wants!! Except for me and Nick.

He walks past me while the girl gets a bag of ice to put on Nick's leg. His arm touches mine accidentally I guess, and sparks run up my arm.

Oh my Goddess.

Eric is my mate.

Okay guys, so new book. And so far I'm loving it !! Bada pa pa paaa. Lol. So I love my ideas for this story, and in my head I was like, damn when am I gonna update ?? I wanna know what's next too. I think this book is gonna be better than Damian and Karisma's !!!

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