Chapter 7- Ezekiel

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After responding to Ellisa's text, I smile. I'm happy for her, for them.

I turn to Autumn and just stare at her. After I while I hear little mumbles in my head. It must be my wolf!

Mate. I hear my wolf say silently. Wow! I haven't heard my wolf speak in years! I've only heard him talk once.

Say it again wolf! I say to him. I need to know for sure that this girl is my mate. How could I have not known.

Shes our mate! I've been fighting for years to fight to the surface. Ezekiel, you have to leave that party now! You're about to shift because of the mate bond and you must bring her with you. I can only hold off the shift for about 10 minutes, from then on you'll be in a lot of pain. But her touch will make it bearable, hurry!

I walk over to Autumn and she spins over to me smiling but her smile falls as soon as recognition crosses her face.

"H-how could we have not known." She instantly says and I grab her arm, sparks running wildly everywhere and she moans heavily. I growl lustfully and drag her out of the house the party is in.

We walk go to my car and she instantly begins to ask questions. "Where are we going? What are we going to do? You look really mad, are you oka-" she says but I cut her off gently.

"I'm about to shift for the first time as alpha. My wolf said its gona be very painful and the only way I'll survive it is if you're there for me. I need you to be there for me Autumn." I say and glance over at her quickly. She's wringing her hands together and chewing on her bottom lip.

I rev out of the long ass driveway and speed down the street and into the highway.

"Of course I'll be there for you, you're my m-mate." She whispers mate as if it's the most precious word.

I let go of the steering wheel with my right hand and slide my hand towards her. She grabs it with both hands and rubs it.

The sparks begin again and she moans again. Focus Ezekiel, no hanky panky. You have 5 minutes. My wolf says.

I pull my hand away from Autumn and she turns to look out the window. "Autumn I can't keep touching you right now baby, I can't even focus. Your scent is driving me crazy. Try to calm down baby please, I can smell those sweet pussy juices." I say and she clenches her thighs. As I breathe, I get strong whiff of her arousal. I swing into the forest next to a factory. And don't even bother to lock the car as I begin feeling pain.

A rip through my back sends me to my knees and screaming. Autumn sprints to my side and kneels down holding onto my arm and hugging me. "It's okay baby, I got you." She whispers into my ear and the pain dulls a little.

My bones begin cracking and breaking, changing into a wolf's. I scream again and rip my shirt off. Autumn helps me take my pants off but keep my boxers on.

Another wave of pain comes again and I scream louder. "I can't- I can't do it. Please, just k-kill me Autumn. Quick and easy." I struggle to say through the pain. Autumn begins to cry silently and hug me. "You can do this baby, I believe in you." She whispers and shakily kisses my cheek.

Finally, after a few more minutes of the pain, I stand in my wolf form. Even though I'm on all fours, I teach Autumn's height effortlessly.

She wipes her tears and slides her hand through my fur. My wolf takes control and licks her hand. She laughs and wraps her arms around my neck to hug me.

"Your wolf is beautiful." She whispers to me and then pulls away and begins to undress. I look down at her beautiful, goddess body. Now that I know she's my mate, I no longer have to be a virgin. Tonight, I'm gona tear that pussy up.

She smiles at me and backs up to shift. Only alphas take longer to shift since they have to find their mates to shift, then their wolf gives them a time limit to find somewhere secluded to shift for the first time. If the alpha female isn't there for the first shift, then there's a chance that the alpha won't survive.

She shifts into a beautiful light brown wolf and walks over to me. She's about 3/4 of my height and she licks my face and runs away playfully. I run after her while growling playfully and she yips happily back to me.

After playing for a while, we walk back to our clothes. Well, her clothes and my jeans. My shirt is torn up and my boxers as well from the shift. She shifts back to human, not caring that she's naked and dresses quickly. I shift as well and pull my jeans up quickly.

She smiles at me and reaches her hand to mine. I string our fingers together and begin walking back to the car.

"You're alpha now?" She asks quietly when we get back to the car. "No not yet, I still have to finish my training and get appointed as alpha by my dad." I say and drag my hands down my face while rubbing my eyes. I'm tired and weak after that shift but I know she's been drinking so I'll have to get over it. I shake my head furiously to try and stay up and slap my cheeks lightly.

Autumn looks over to me worriedly. "Here babe, let me drive." She says. "You've been drinking baby, I got it." I say, not believing my words.

She sighs and crosses her arms. I start the car but a wave of exhaustion hits me and I turn it back off. I sigh and unbuckle my seatbelt, she does too and gets out.

When we're situated, she begins driving toward the pack house.

"Your house or my room?" She asks as I close my eyes slowly.

"Your room." I whisper and fall asleep.

"Wake up baby, we're here." I feel Autumn shake me and I wake up suddenly. "Do you need help?" She asks while wrapping my arm around her neck.

"No baby I got it." I breathe out and attempt to get out of the car without her help. She stands back a little in case I do need the help.

Once I try to stand, my body gives up and I fall to my knees. Autumn gasps and falls to her knees next to me, holding onto me.

"Are you okay?" She says, tears in her eyes. I hate seeing her so upset, so I muster as much energy as I can and stand up. Pain hits my body but I hide it behind a forced smile. Autumn stands up warily and watches me.

"Let's go inside before I run out of energy completely." I mutter out. We walk as fast as I can to the pack house and get to her room in about a minute.

I collapse onto her bed and she walks to her bathroom. Autumn is an only child and her mother died during her birth. Her father killed himself since it's practically impossible to live without your mate to wolves.

She walks back out with her long hair in a French braid and wearing one of my shirts with some spandex shorts.

She walks over to me with a glass of water and some pills.

"Here, it's some wolf pain killers." She whispers. "I don't need-" I begin to say but she cuts me off. "I know you're in pain, just take them." She says and thrusts the pills towards me.

I take them quickly and open my arms for her to lay with me. She hesitantly enters my arms and gets comfortable.

"You know... I've always loved you. I just couldn't tell you because I didn't think you were my mate." I whisper and kiss the top of her head. She sighs. "Same. I'll always love you Ezekiel." She whispers and looks up at me. I look down at her.

I kiss her softly and hug her tighter.

"I'll always love you Autumn."

The Future Alpha... And EllisaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora