Chapter 12- Ezekiel

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When there's knocking on the door, I look at the clock. 4:57.

More banging sounds as I get up to open the door. "Open the door Ezekiel!" I hear my twin yell. I rush to open the door. Ellisa's here? I thought she would never forgive me.

When I open the door, she walks in automatically and sits down on the couch. "Why are you giving Autumn a hard time?" She says and looks at me while crossing her legs.

"You're my twin sister Ellisa and we aren't on good terms right now? What do you think?" I ask impatiently. I miss her. She's my twin and we've always had each other no matter what.

I need my sister back.

"Well if you would've just talked to me maybe we would be on good terms. But no, your dumbass growled at me! And threatened me! When have you ever growled at me Ezekiel?" She asks while standing up. I sigh. She's right.

"I'm sorry. My wolf just felt like you were going to hurt Autumn. Ellisa.... I swear to you that we did not know. I told you my wolf has been mute. He started talking to me again this weekend. If I knew that she was my mate then you would've known too." I say and she sighs and walks over to hug me.

"I'm sorry I was being so difficult. But Autumn is my best friend. It would've been messed up if you didn't tell me. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you that me and Eric got together. I was going to but then-" she says but I cut her off.

"I already knew about you and Eric. He's my best friend." I say and she pulls away.

"Anyways, since we're good now I gotta go back to Eric. I didn't tell him where I was going. And Autumn is probably at the door listening to us talking." She says. I laugh.

"No I'm not!" Autumn says as she walks in. Ellisa and I both laugh. "Suuuuure you weren't." Ellisa says and says her goodbyes to us as she walks out.

Autumn alms over to me and kisses my cheek. "So? What happened? You guys all good?" She says as she walks to the kitchen. When she opens the refrigerator, I see it full of the groceries I bought for us. I figured I would be moving in soon anyway.

"What's all this?" She says and turns to me with a confused look on her face. I'm glad she isn't mad.

"Groceries." I say as I walk over to her. "And yes, everything with Ellisa went well." I say and kiss her cheek as I reach into the cabinet for a honey bun. "Well that's good. But why did you get groceries?" She asks and takes a bite from my honey bun. "Because, you shouldn't be living without food in your house." I say, I can feel an argument coming already.

"Well that wasn't your decision to make. I don't need your help or your groceries." She says and crosses her arms. "Babe can we please not argue over this?" I say and rub my hands down her arms. She shakes my hands off of her and walks away from me to the other side of the kitchen.

"Don't try to calm me down! I deserve to be mad! We've only known that we're mates for like 4 days! You don't get to make decisions for me already, I don't care if you're my mate. You're not going to control my life!" She screams at me. I sigh and slide my hands down my face.

"It was just groceries." I say quietly. "You know what? Whatever. I'm going out." She says and grabs her bag from the couch walking to the door. I beat her to it and block her from leaving. "Where are you going?" I demand from her. "Nowhere you need to know." She says and crosses her arms again.

"Yes I do need to know." I say. She exhales loudly and tries to go around me. "I don't understand why you're so mad over groceries! I just wanted you to have food at your house and be fed!" I say and she glares at me.

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