Chapter 22-Ellisa

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"Geez when are you actually gonna kick my ass?" I say to Luis after sweeping his feet from under him and knocking him to the floor for like the thousandth time. "I'm kinda bored beating you all the time." I say and crack my knuckles while grinning at him as he slowly gets up. He chuckles and gets ready to attack.

I get ready as well and wait for him to attack. Number one rule, always let them attack first. Observe, learn, then take offense. I think to myself, words of wisdom from my lovely mate. He lunges towards my abdomen but I catch his fist and pull him towards me then behind me, having him face away from my body. I then elbow his arm and kick his back backwards and he knocks forward onto his hands.

"Fuck man. I'm sending you to Josh." He says and gets up again and stretches. I laugh and stretch as well. "So we done for the day?" I ask. "Umm. No. I was thinking we should prepare you for when you're already caught." He says and scratches his neck. "What do you mean?" I ask and squirt some water into my mouth from my sports bottle.

"We've been practicing for when you're attacked, not when they already have you in their arms. Say they grab your arms, now you only have your legs. Here, let me show you." He says and grabs onto my arm softly then pulls me to him, my back against his chest. "Now what do you do." He whispers into my ear. A shiver runs down my spine and memories begin to surface. I fight them back down and breathe, focus on the present and move on from the past.

Luis has his arms wrapped so that I can't use my arms. "I guess I could kick you in the shin or something." I say softly. "Then do it." He says. I try to kick his shin, but he moves his leg away. "Now what?" He says. I rack my brain for something, anything I can do. I finally realize what I can do, but it might be a little painful for both of us.

I knock my head into his chin and he grunts and loosens his grip. I spin and elbow his abdomen then grab his head and pull it towards my knee and knee him in the face. He's back. He's trying to take me back to that wretched place. My mind clicks and I can't stop hitting him. I punch his jaw and knee his groin. Kill him. I knock him on his back and place my foot to his throat. Step on it.

"Ellisa! Ellisa! STOP ELLISA!" I hear. It's a bit foggy but I step back and shake my head, looking down and see Luis battered and almost on the brink of death. "Oh my Goddess." I mutter. I kneel next to Luis and reach from my water bottle. "Luis I-I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. I'm so sorry. Goddess, I don't know what I was thinking!" I say and wash the blood off his face with a towel. "It's okay." He says, the bruises and cuts already beginning to heal. "I knew it was a touchy subject but I just had to make sure that you would be able to handle it again, Goddess forbid it would ever happen again." He says.

One tear rolls down my face and I look up to the ceiling to stop myself from crying. Will I ever be over those memories? I sigh and keep cleaning his face until all the blood is gone and he is completely healed. "Don't worry, I've had worse ass beatings." He says and grins at me. I laugh and throw the towel in the garbage. I get my stuff together and stand up to leave but Luis stops me. "Hey, um. If you ever need anything, I'm there for you." He says and a small blush appears on his face.

I smile and nod my head. Before I leave, I turn around. "Want another ass beating." I say and smile. He shrugs his shoulders with a smile. "Sure, why not." He says and we begin to fight again. After knocking him on his ass twice and he beats me 3 times, surprisingly, we sit on the bench and rest, drinking water and wiping our sweat.

"Are you busy today?" He blurts out. "Huh?" I say and check the time, 12:07. I still have another 10 hours of a day to go. "Well, we finished pretty early and I have nothing else to do, do you?" He asks. I think to what Eric has in plan for the day. He has training until 1 then he wanted to take a run in the forest with me. "I'm free until 1." I say with a smile. "Cool! I'll go take a shower and pick up some lunch and you can get freshened up too." He says and smiles. I nod and smile back. As I walk to the locker room, I think back to what happened that made me crack and beat the shit out of him.

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