Chapter 8- Ellisa

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Mmmm, this is a nice pillow. The best pillow I've ever slept on. I should keep this pillow. Geez, it has abs too?? I love it. Wait a second... Pillows don't have abs!

At that thought, I open my eyes and see an amazingly toned chest with my drill spread over it. I jump up to get a towel and wipe the drool away. Well this is embarrassing.

"Mmm good morning baby. Grooming me?" He jokes and sits up, leaning against the headboard. "I drool in my sleep, sorry." I say embarrassed and throw the towel into his dirty clothes basket. It makes it in perfectly.

"It's okay baby, my wolf thinks you were grooming us. He's really happy right now" he says and laughs. I sit next to him in the bed and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side. "We should tell Ezekiel." I say. He nods silently.

He stands up quickly and pulls me up with him. "Let's go somewhere." I laugh. "Where?" I ask and string our fingers together. "Somewhere, anywhere." He says. "Let's go to the Lemon Festival! I heard they have lemonade, lemon beer, lemon tarts, pies, cakes. We have to go!" I say excitedly.

"Okay, I'll talk to Ezekiel." He says. He begins to walk away, but then stops and looks towards me. "Where is Ezekiel anyway?" He says. I shrug.

Ezekiel POV

I wake up with Autumn in my arms, it's an amazing feeling. She snores lightly, not those annoying snores but those quiet little cute ones. I kiss her forehead and I stand up, testing my strength now. Surprisingly I feel awesome now, way better than before my first shift as an alpha wolf.

I walk to her kitchen and open the fridge to see if there's anything I can cook for breakfast. But just like I expected, her fridge is empty except for some juice, eggs and cheese.

I shake my head smiling. I walk over to the phone and order 5 pizzas since I'm starving and Autumn eats a lot too.

"Good morning." I hear her beautiful voice say from her room's door. I look over to see her wiping her eyes so adorably. She walks over to me and kisses my cheek then walks to the fridge and takes out the juice. "You need food babe. Let's go food shopping later." I say and grab 2 cups. She pours some juice for both of us and shakes her head. "I'm barely ever here, there's not really a point." She says and jumps up to sit on the counter. I walk to stand between her legs and kiss her, calmly at first. But then she deepens it.

She wrap her arms around my neck and her legs around my body. I slip my tongue into her mouth and she sucks on it lightly. After a few minutes, I pull away to breathe deeply and laugh lowly. "So far it's the best morning ever." I say and grin at her. She laughs and unwraps herself from me while pulling away a little.

"Who said you can move away?" I say and pull her back to me. She giggles and bites her lower lip.

I watch the movement as I lick my bottom lip. Her eyes catch the movement and she moves quickly to kiss me again. She pressed into me and takes control of the kiss.

After a while of making out, my phone begins to ring and I ignore it at first. Until I realize that it's Ellisa calling. I pull away from my sexy, flustered mate and run to the room.

I pick up the call on the last ring on my iPhone 6s Plus. "Hello?" I answer.

"Dude I called you like 3 times. What the hell?" Ellisa says with concern in her voice. "Sorry sis, I've been occupied." I say and look up to see my beautiful mate walk in the door with the 5 pizzas I ordered earlier. She points at them questioningly and I nod my head my head mouth 'I bought them.'

"With what? I felt our connection deepen. You're alpha now?" She says sadly. "Well I shifted but I haven't finished my training or induction or anything. It's just 1 step, Lis." I say. She sighs and then clears her throat. "Whatever, me and Eric just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the lemon festival with us. It'll be fun and you can bring one of your many hoes." She says and Autumn growls lowly.

I smile at her apologetically. "I don't have hoes Ellisa. I kind of found my mate last night." I whisper the last sentence.

"You what??!!" She screams through the phone and I move my phone a little bit from my ear. "Sis chill, I'll bring her with me." "Fine. She better not be hoe looking or else I'll beat her ass like mom beat grandpa's mate's ass." She says and I laugh while Autumn chuckles.

"Okay I'll see you later sissy." I say. "Okay I'll see you later big brother." She says and I hang up. This should be interesting.

Autumn walks over and places the boxes of pizza on the bed and sits next to me. "What's up?" She asks and I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. She smiles and gets closer to me.

"Ellisa and Eric invited us to go to the lemon festival with them. Do you want to go?" I say. Her eyes widen. "Yes I'd love to! But what about Ellisa, what's she going to say?" She says nervously and begins to chew her nails. "Baby, chill. She'll understand. We're mates, it's not our fault." I say and grab her hands from her mouth's abuse. She sighs and climbs into my lap. "I love you Ezekiel, you know that. But if she doesn't approve of us, then I'll have to keep my distance from you for a while." She whispers.

I move back a little from her. "No you won't." I growl out and tighten my hold. Nobody will take my mate away from me, not even my sister. At that last thought, my body begins trembling. I feel a shift coming and I begin growling uncontrollably.

"Baby, calm down. Ezekiel baby, calm down. I take it back. I take it back, I'm sorry. I won't ever leave you, okay?" She says worriedly, stroking my arms and calming me down. One tear runs down her face and I wipe it away softly.

"Never, ever say some shit like that to me again." I growl out. She nods fearfully. I sigh and wrap my arms around her as she erupts in sobs. Her body convulses and shakes with her sobs and cries.

"Baby, shhh. I'm sorry. You just can't say stuff like that to me. I can't lose you, love." I whisper in her ear. Her body relaxed and a shiver goes down her back. I can feel it. And it makes me want to do things to her. When I'm about to act on it, my phone rings again. I growl and pick it up without looking at the contact name.

"What!" I growl into the phone. "Baby bro! What's up! Haven't seen you in a minute man." I hear my older adopted brother, Axel, say. I laugh and Autumn moves out of my arms and wipes her face. Who is it? She mouths. Axel. I mouth back.

"Man I forgot how your voice sounds too." I say and he laughs. "Look, I'm coming back into town to see mom and dad. I hope I see you and Ellisa too. I know you guys are about graduate from high school, right?" He says. "I'm looking forward to it man. Are you bringing your mate too or..?" I say cautiously. Last I heard from him, his mate was convinced that he was cheating on her because she's a human and he has power over her.

"Yeah, Amanda's coming too. Finally got her to chill out about her trying to make me turn her into one of us." He says and I'm shocked, he didn't mention that part to me. "She wanted you to turn her?" I repeat slowly. "Yeah, man. It's crazy, I know. And I was going to but then I thought that would be stupid. It would make her think that I don't accept her for who she is. But that's another reason why I'm coming back home. I need to talk to mom and dad about it, to see if I should or shouldn't." He says and sighs. "I feel you bro. I can't wait to see you. When will you be coming?" I ask, impatient to get back to mine and my mate's business.

"Ummm. Probably next week. Anyways bro, I'm pretty sure I caught you at a bad time since you yelled at me when you picked up." He says and chuckles. I laugh and nod but then realize how dumb I am to nod when he isn't here. Autumn chuckles and covers her mouth when I look up at her. "Yeah man, I got to take care of a fire I have here. A hot, burning fire of desire." I say and Axel laughs as I hang up.

"Now where were we?" I say while grabbing Autumn as she giggles.

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