Chapter 14- Ezekiel

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The ceremony was a success. Seeing how happy Ellisa and Eric are together was an amazing sight. All I've wanted was for her to be happy and stay in the pack. And I got both of those things. A happy sister that will stay by my side. Especially since her mate is my beta. She'll always be around, thank the goddess.

Autumn had such a big smile as she watched Eric propose to Ellisa. But I saw something in her smile that only I would be able to see. Sadness.

I know it's because we've been dating for about the same time as Ellisa and Eric and I haven't proposed to her yet. I want it to be special though, I was going to do it here but Eric called dibs so I'm doing it at the graduation party my parents are throwing.

Ellisa and Eric walk back down and we finally get to go to our parents after the ceremony is over.

"We're so proud of you!" My mom says and squeezes the life out of me in a hug. "Thanks mom, but you're kinda killing my insides." I groan out. She finally releases me and I breathe in deeply. Autumn laughs as my mom does the same with her. My dad comes in front of me when he finishes hugging Ellisa and Eric. "Congrats son, I knew you would make it." He says and smiles.

The little boy in me smiles. Deep, deep down I've always needed my dad to be proud of me and his approval.

He hugs Autumn as well then we all head to the pack house, where the graduation party is in full swing. "No alcohol." My mom says sternly when we walk in then walks towards the other moms and pack members. I see Ellisa as she walks towards the whipped cream vodka and looks at mom before taking a large swig of it then puts it down like nothing happened and walks back to Eric as he laughs at her. Autumn laughs too and I grab her and pull her into my arms.

Being away from her for even a second affects me badly. I always want to be close to her and have her in my arms.

"I love you." I whisper into her ear as she presses her bottom into my crotch. "I love you too." She giggles.

A few hours into the party, I decide to finally do it. Get down one knee and ask Autumn to be mine forever. Even though she's already mine, I know this is what she wants. A big ring, a beautiful wedding with our friends and family. So I'm going to give it to her. I want my mate to be the happiest she can be.

I grab a mic before walking into the mini stage and tapping the mic 3 times to get everybody's attention.

"Uh hey guys." I say awkwardly and everybody smiles and laughs. "Well today I graduated, and so did my friends and sister and my mate. You know, my sister is getting married." I say and ramble on. "Anyways. Autumn... you're my mate. And you're also the love of my life. It's not just because of the mate bond because we already had a bond before we realized we were mates. I've loved you way before we found out. And I want our bond to last forever. So Autumn, will you marry me?" I say and we all look around for Autumn. "Ummm, Autumn?" I say after a few more silent moments.

I make eye contact with my mom and dad and they look confused as well.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO." We all hear from the woods.

I drop the mic and break off running towards the woods. Eric is there, on his knees with tears running down his eyes.

I grab him up and look all over him to see if there's any injuries. "Eric, what's wrong? Eric?!" I say. "Eric?!" I tell when he doesn't respond.

"They took her." He whispers as more tears run down his face. "Who? Who took who?!" I scream as the pack all reach us, my parents walk over to us and my mom places her hands on our shoulders. "Guys what's wrong? Where's Autumn?" She says and then looks around. "And where's Ellisa?!" She says frantically.

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