Chapter 9- Ellisa

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I been really feeling Ariana Grande lately. Idk why. Lol. On to the chapter:

"Where are they?" I say as Eric pays for 4 tickets to enter and comes up next to me. "He said he'll be here in a few." Eric says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders. I turn to face him and pout playfully. He chuckles and kisses my cheek. I lick his cheek playfully and we continue to play our little kissing and licking game we just made up.

After a few minutes, I see Ezekiel pulling up in our Audi with a girl in the passenger seat. "Is that... Autumn?" Eric says confused. I look closely and we make eye contact. My mouth drops open. What the hell?

"Yeah, it is." I say lowly. Ezekiel gets out the car and jogs over to Autumn's side to open her door. She gets out with an apprehensive look on her face.

When they reach us, I shift towards Eric and he wraps his arm around my waist while Ezekiel does the same with Autumn. She looks at me worriedly and I look away from her eyes, I can't even look at her right now. "Ellisa-" she begins to say but I cut her off. "So we going in or not?" I say impatiently. "I think Autumn has something to say to you Ellisa." Ezekiel says calmly. "And I think I don't give a shit." I say and glare at her.

I turn and drag Eric to the entrance as he passes them their tickets. Autumn jogs up to me and tries to grab my arm but I pull away from her. "Ellisa, come on. Just hear me out." She says and I stop to listen to her.

"I didn't know he was my mate until last night at the party." She says. I laugh dryly with no amusement. "You really expect me to believe that? You guys have been messing around for months, you probably already knew and you just didn't tell me. I tell you everything! And you couldn't even tell me that you and my brother are mates? What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I growl lowly.

Ezekiel growls lowly at me and pulls Autumn into his arms. "Don't talk to her like that." He says and glares hard at me. Eric growls at Ezekiel and stands protectively next to me. I glare at Autumn. This is her fault.

"Ezekiel stop, you're just making it worse." She says to my brother. "Look at that, I guess being a hoe pays off right? You even have my brother against me and ready to attack me. Fuck you Autumn." I say and walk away I feel somebody tug my arm and turn around to see that it's Ezekiel. "Watch what you say to my mate." He says. I growl lowly at him and pull my arms away from him.

"You're supposed to be my brother and my keeper. Fuck you Ezekiel. You might as well just move in with Autumn because I'm never talking to you again! You lying asshole!" I say and walk away from them both. Eric walks with me and grabs my hand. We string our fingers together as we walk towards the exit.

"Wait baby." He says and pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around me. My body calms down and my wolf purrs in content. "Baby calm down, you're just really mad. You didn't actually mean that right?" He says with a worried expression. I sigh and shake my head slowly. "I don't know." I say and rest my forehead against his chest.

He exhales deeply. "I don't think they knew." He whispers. "How could they not?" I ask and pull back from him. "Ezekiel told me that his wolf was silent, like mute for a while. Ever since his first shift, his wolf only said a few things to him. Lately he didn't talk at all. I guess after a while he decided to show up." He says.

"But that doesn't explain how Autumn didn't know." I say. "Well usually the guy knows first, then their wolf communicates with the girls' wolf and then it goes from there." He says. I sigh.

"I guess I owe her an apology." I say but stay in the same position I am. Eric pulls me back into his arms and I sigh in content. He kisses my neck and I pull him closer.

"You wana go back to my place?" He asks. I shake my head, I don't want this to ruin our fun. I look around and see a roller coaster. "Let's go to the rollercoaster." I say and grab his hand. He grins and walks after me. When we're about to reach it, I feel somebody grab my butt and let it go. I turn to look for the culprit, ready to tear their head off and try to hold Eric off of them. But I turn to see Eric smiling innocently at me. I glare at him playfully. He laughs and we continue until we make it to the rollercoaster.

After we ride the rollercoaster, we walk around and eat, ride the rides, play the games until it becomes late.

"We have school tomorrow." I whisper into Eric's ear as we hug each other in front of his car. He exhales into my neck and tightens his hold. "If you want to keep us a secret for a while I understand." He says and gulps as if he was lying.

"I don't want to keep us a secret, but I don't want to be all flashy about it either you know? Nobody needs to know about us or what we do." I say. "I agree with you baby. Let's get going." He says and opens my door.

When he begins driving, I turn to face him. "Where are we going? Cuz I eventually have to go home and talk to my parents about what happened." I say and he grabs my left hand with his.

"We'll go to your place first, grab some of your clothes and whatever shit you need to get ready and then go to mine." He says and rubs his thumb over my hand.

I nod and rest my head against the headrest.

When we get to my house, my parents are sitting in the living room looking worried.

"Mom, dad, what's wrong?" I say and walk over to them quickly. Mom stands up and pulls me into a tight embrace. "Oh Ellisa, where have you been?!" She says. Dad stands up to greet Eric. "I was with Eric, he's my mate mom." She pulls back from our hug and smiles widely. "I knew it! Ever since you guys were younger, you couldn't stay away from each other!" She says and runs to hug Eric. He chuckles and hugs her back.

"Okay that's enough hugging." Dad says and pulls mom away from Eric. She laughs and pats dads cheek.

"Well, I was wondering if it's okay to grab some stuff to sleepover at Eric's again". "Oh. Sure honey, be careful and be safe and protected!" She says. My jaw drops and Eric shifts uncomfortably. "Mom, we're not doing..... that." I say uncomfortably. "Good." My dad says curtly while openly glaring at Eric. Eric gulps quietly and looks toward the floor.

"Okay then, I'm just gona go get some stuff. Come on Eric." I say. "Eric can wait here for you." Dad says. "Dad, chill. Come on Eric." I repeat. He walks over to me and we go to my room.

I pack 3 outfits and some pajamas. I also pack 2 more pairs of Jordan's, a jacket, some makeup, socks, jewelry and hair products. "Damn babe, you moving in or something." He says and laugh. I laugh with him. "No, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I know I'll be sleeping over a lot." I say and wink playfully at him.

When I'm ready to go, we walk out hand in hand towards the door. "Bye mom, bye dad!" I scream. They scream their goodbyes and as I reach for the door, it opens to reveal Ezekiel and Autumn laughing their asses off until they see me. I lift my eyebrow at Autumn as she openly stares at me with a guilty expression.

"Problem?" I say curtly and tilt my head a little. She begins to say something but I cut her off. "That's too bad, this is my house. Got a problem? Go bye bye then." I say and push past her and Ezekiel growls at me.

I've had enough of his growling at me, so I turn around and slap the shit out of him. His face moves to the side more from surprise then the power of my hit.

"I hate you." I say lowly and walk to Eric's car. "Chill out E, she's emotionally hurt." I hear Eric say as I get into the car. I have never in my entire 17 years of life hit my twin brother. And I regret it so bad that I did today.

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