Chapter 6- Ellisa

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"Wait!" I scream as he begins to walk away. He stops and turns back to me as I walk up to him.

"I want you." I whisper toward the ground. He growls lowly. "Say it louder." He growls out with lust. "I want you." I say, this time facing him.

He stays silent, staring at me, waiting for me to explain. "I can't promise it's going to be easy. I've never liked a guy before and I never thought I would, but I'm glad that you're my mate. I know you more than a lot of people do and you know me too. So I'm happy that you're my mate. I want to try this out." I say and join our hands between us.

He still says nothing, but stares into my eyes.

"Say something." I whisper and lace our fingers together.

"I've loved you since I was 10. Yeah, it's kind of dumb because you're Ezekiel's sister and you've always liked girls. But I was in love with you. I always kind of knew we were meant to be together. Call it a gut feeling, but I always wanted to be around you. When I told my parents, they said it was normal for a guy to be attracted to a girl like that. What they didn't tell me is that being beta would make me shift early, at 11. Then the next time I touched you on accident on my birthday, turning 12, I knew you were my mate. I couldn't tell you though. You were still into girls so I left it alone. I thought we could just go back to being just friends. But I couldn't. I became obsessed with you. I watched you, made sure you were okay. Made sure nothing bad would happen to you. But then you started dating Nick and I just couldn't do it anymore." He says and shivers towards the end.

"I broke up with Nick. I just broke up with her in front of you." I say. "But only because she cheated on you, not because you wanted to." He says, and releases my hands.

"Eric-" I begin to say but he cuts me off. "No. Don't. Don't try to justify it. Just give me some time." He says and begins to walk away.

"Eric you don't have time." I say, walking after him.

"Fine." He says and crushes his lips to mine. I don't expect it so I lean back from the force of his kiss.

He releases a breath in frustration. "Now you're rejecting me again. Just make up your damn mind Ellisa you can't keep doing this to me!" He says and runs his hand through his hair. I can't help it, a chuckle slips through my mouth and Eric's enraged eyes turn to my face and calm down. I laugh again but a little louder. Eric tilts his head in confusion.

"I wasn't rejecting you again. I was just surprised. You were kissing me like really hard." I say and stick my tongue out at him. "Oh. I'm sorry." He says and crosses his arms.

"Do you.... never mind." I say. He moves his gaze from the floor to my face. "Do I what?" He asks and moves a little closer.

"Do you maybe wana come back to my place?" I ask, hoping he says no since my parents are probably still home.

"Aren't your parents home?" He asks. "Yeaaaah." I stretch out the word. "Then let's go to my room in the pack house." He says and stretches his hand out. "O-okay." I say cautiously and take his hand.

Questions swarm around my head. Does he want to have sex? Am I ready for straight sex again? I mean I've only had sex with a guy once and that was only when I had a threesome at like 14, the worst year of my life and the most rebellious.

We walk towards his car and grab my phone out of my pocket and send a quick text to Ezekiel.

Going to Eric's, I'll tell you everything tomorrow.

After we got to the car, my phone vibrates. I take out my phone and see that it's from Ezekiel.

Haha! Stay safe, use protection. - big bro Z. I laugh at his message and put my phone back in my pocket.

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