Chapter 23- Ezekiel

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I wake up earlier than Autumn and Ellisa and decide to go and have a conversation with Eric since Ellisa doesn't seem like herself. I brush my teeth and shower before getting dressed and I walk downstairs to his apartment. I knock tentatively and I hear bottles clinking on the other side. "Who is it." I hear him say. "It's me, Ezekiel, your best bud." I say. He opens the door and the apartment smells like pure alcohol.

"Man. What the fuck is going on here." I ask and pull the curtains open to see a mess of bottles everywhere. "Close the fucking curtains asshole! It's a fucking pity party." He says and I see him take a shot of Hennessy as he sits on the couch. "Dude it's like 8 in the morning what the fuck." I say and snatch the bottle out of his hand. "Give that back you dick." He says and tries to reach for the bottle but ends up just falling off the couch face first. "Ugh. Fuck." He mumbles, not even trying to get up.

"Dude what's wrong with you. You're the one that fucked up and somehow you're the one that's drunk off his ass. You need to go talk to Ellisa and fix whatever shit you did." I say and pull him up. "It's not my fucking fault! She wants him. She wants him more than me." He says then laughs without humor. "I should've seen this coming." He says then pushes away from me and sits on the couch again. I sit next to him and turn to him waiting for him to continue.

"She was into girls for years. Pretty much all her life. Then the Goddess makes us mates. Then she gets kidnapped, and she barely even let me look at her until all her scars were healed. We finally mate! We finally mate after like 8 fucking months, and she decides to have a fucking date with her bitch ass instructor. Am I not enough for her? Is that it? What have I done wrong?" He whispers the last sentence as if he's asking himself.

"You acted like an asshole and didn't let her talk. She wasn't on a date with the guy, he practically begged her. Plus, she felt bad because of what happened before that." I say. "What happened?" Eric asks curiously. "She had a flashback. Luis decided it was time to train her so she knows how to fight back against a kidnap pet or something. While he was acting like a kidnapper, it brought her back and she almost killed him." I explain.

"Goddess. I'm an asshole." He mutters and runs his hands down his face. "Either way, she still loves you. I think you should talk to her, let her explain to you what happened." I say then stand up and stretch, I can already feel my mate beginning to wake up and I don't want to miss it. He nods and I walk to the door.

"Ezekiel?" He says as I'm almost out the door. I turn to him. "Thanks. For not... you know just beating me up. Thanks for talking to me and helping me understand." He says. I nod and give him a small smile before leaving and practically running to watch my mate wake up. It's a beautiful sight to wake up to. I lock my door quickly and almost sprint to my room just to be disappointed by the sight.

Autumn and Ellisa sit in bed watching tv and laughing. Autumn sniffs the air then turns to look at me and smiles brightly. "Hey babe. Where'd you go?" She says and stands up to greet me. I kiss her lightly then hug my sister before sitting between and wrapping my arms around their shoulders. "Just around." I tease and Autumn shoulder bumps me. "Where?" She asks again.

"I just went to to see Eric. See how he's doing." I say and Ellisa stiffens. "Is he okay?" She asks quietly. "Well... he should be fine. After the talk I had with him." I say. "Oh. Okay." She says and then gets up to stretch. "Think I should go check on him" she says then bites her lower lip. "If you're ready then go ahead, but don't talk to him just because you're feeling bad. You're getting your point across that he has to trust you." I say. She nods then walks out the living room then I hear the door open and close.

Autumn sit there quietly and unmoving for a few seconds then we both turn to look at each other at the same time. She smiles and jumps on me, wrapping her arms around my neck and kisses me deeply. "I've missed your kisses." She mumbles against my lips. I grin and pull her closer. "Babe it's only been like 12 hours." I tease. She rolls her eyes then pecks my lips one more time before getting up and walking out.

I follow after her like a lost puppy as she begins to make us breakfast. "What are we eating?" I ask. She smiles at me then looks back to what she was doing. "French toast and hash browns." She says. Autumn doesn't know how to cook much, but what she does know how to cook comes out phenomenal. "Looking forward to it." I say and kiss her cheek.

"So what really happened at Eric's?" She says as she begins to make the hash browns. "Nothing really. He was drunk as fuck and whining about how Ellisa was about to cheat on him and stuff. But it's all good. They're probably gonna go fix it right now." I say. She nods and finishes up breakfast as I play 8ball pool on my phone and keep getting my ass beat by my dad. The fact that my dad can beat me on a phone game is just terrible.

Autumn serves us then pecks my lips and sits on my lap as we eat. "Babe let's do something today. Let's just skip training, I'm tired of training all day everyday." She says and takes a sip of her juice. "You're right. That's all we do now. I'll set something up, where do you want to go?" I ask her and trail my fingers up and down her thigh. She giggles and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Can we go somewhere with rollercoasters? Let's bring Ellisa too! And Eric if he's up for it. I'll even drive." She says with a bright smile. Well how can I say no to my beautiful mate? I can't.

"Of course baby. Six flags or Disneyland?" I ask already looking online to buy some tickets. "Hmmmm... Disneyland." She says and smiles then kisses my lips.

"I'll go call Ellisa!" She says and jumps up to run and get her phone. "Hmmm." I mumble to myself as I look through the ticket prices and parking price. "Yeah! We're gonna go ride some rides, eat some good food and I want one of those balloons with the Mickey ears!" I hear Autumn exclaim into the phone. After a few minutes, I'm ready to pay and autumn walks out with a gorgeous smile on her face.

"Ellisa and Eric made up! We're leaving in 30 minutes babe! Good thing we woke up early today." She says then runs to the bathroom. I sigh. Just seeing her happy makes me happy.

I turn to look at the bathroom door when Autumn opens it and peaks her head out. "You joining me?" She says seductively. I grin.

"Most definitely."

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