Chapter 24- Ellisa

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I breathe deeply before walking back into our apartment. Although Ezekiel said the place was trashed, it's clean now. I hear the shower running and sigh in relief. I'm not really ready to face Eric, but I know I need to. I walk to our room and see that it's also organized and clean. Something must be wrong because Eric hates cleaning, I do most of the cleaning since it calms me and helps me think better for some reason.

As I look around and think, I realize something. Eric reacted like this because he's self conscious about our relationship. I've liked girls my whole life and now I'm with him and he feels as if he can lose me. But Eric is the love of my life and he'll never lose me, he has me for life and beyond that.

I quickly undress and grab my towel then walk to the bathroom and enter. I hear him as he showers and breathes deeply. I open the curtain slowly and quietly then get in. He turns around quickly and looks me up and down before staring into my eyes. "I'm sorry." He says and I pull him into a hug. "I know." I whisper into his ear. After a while, we pull away from each other and he continues to stare into my eyes.

"I was really jealous. The reason why I went to the locker room yesterday was because I ran into your ex Nick. She just... she made me feel uncomfortable and like I'm not enough for you. So I went looking for you to reassure myself and my wolf that you're mine, that you belong with me." He says.

"Eric." I start then release a breath. "You are the love of my life, Nick was a mistake. Everyone before you was a mistake. I know I didn't make it easy for you in the beginning or in general but I love you so much. I don't want you to feel so insecure in our relationship. Eric... we're getting married for Goddess' sake, what else can I do to show you that you're it for me? That you're the first person I was ever in love with and the very last person I'll be in love?" I say and hold his beautiful face in my hands.

"Nothing. There's nothing more you can do because you show me all the time but you're right, I'm insecure. I think back to the beginning a lot and then your trainer trying to get at you and it just irritates me. I know that I can't be the only person you interact with but sometimes I want to be that only person. Sometimes I want to keep you locked in here with only me to talk to because I love you so much. It's hard to see you talk to other guys because you're so beautiful and they want you, I see and sense their desire for you." He says.

"But you're the only one that gets to see me, the real me. You're the only one that gets to kiss me, take care of me, see my silly side. The first and the last." I say and gently press my lips to his. He nods into the kiss and pulls me back into his arms.

"Can we get out now?" I ask after a few minutes of just standing under the water in his embrace. He laughs and nods. We exit the shower and get dressed quickly then cuddle on the bed.

I sniff his shirt and sigh in pleasure. Being back in his arms is the best feeling in the world. I begin to slowly drift off into a deep sleep until my phone starts ringing. "Ugh." I mumble and dig into my pocket.

"Hey bestie! Have you and Eric made up yet?" Autumn says happily into the phone. "Yeah, we're good now." I mumble. Eric tightens his arms and I snuggle deeper into his body. "Great! Let's go somewhere today! Ezekiel and I want to go to Disneyland all day, wanna go?" She says. I look up at Eric and he shrugs. "Sure, but you guys are paying." I say half joking.

"Of course! We invited you so it's our responsibility to pay. Be ready in 30 minutes!" She says then hangs up.

I drop back into Eric's arms and rest my eyes for 1 minute before the realization sets in. "OH MY GODDESS ERIC!" I scream and sit up. He immediately jumps up and looks around. "What?!" He exclaims.

"We're going to Disneyland!!" I say and grin widely. "Yeah, we are. We need to stop by the ATM so I can can get some money and buy you some souvenirs." He says and gets up to grab his wallet. "Aww babe, you don't have to. I can buy my own souvenirs." I say and grab my wallet too but he grabs it out of my hand and puts it back in my drawer.

"No. You know I don't like you to pay for anything." He says and I grin and kiss his lips. He runs his hands down my body and grabs onto my butt as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I know. But you're always getting me stuff, so in return I'm going to get you some stuff too." I say and smile. He groans but agrees and we finish getting ready to go.

"You ready baby?" He says as he stands by the door. "Yeah, hold on." I say and rush to get my small backpack that goes with my outfit. "Okay, let's go." I say with a huge grin. We walk downstairs hand in hand talking animatedly about the day ahead of us. As we walk down the hall to Autumn's room, someone bumps into me and I immediately apologize before looking up and seeing Luis.

"Oh hey Luis! Sorry, but we're skipping out on training today and actually having some fun." I say and point to Eric as Eric stands there glaring at Luis. "O-oh. That's fine, I didn't really have anything planned for today. Have fun." He says and continues to walk past us.

"I hate that guy." Eric says while releasing his held breath. "Babe-" I say but he cuts me off. "Don't try to make me change my mind about him, it's going to happen. He has feelings for you and tried to kiss you so I will forever hate him." He says and kisses my cheek. I nod and we knock on Autumn's door. She opens it immediately and pulls me into a hug then pats Eric's shoulder and invited us in.

"Ezekiel's just buying the tickets online since they're cheaper. Want a frozen water bottle? It'll melt throughout the day but we can just buy drinks and food over there." She says. "Yeah, as a back up drink." I say and we laugh then grab a bottle. The printer begins to print something and we all look at it curiously.

"Ready to go guys?" Ezekiel asks as he walks out and grabs the papers the printer just released. We all nod and walk down to Eric's truck since it's bigger than Autumn's Kia Optima and mine and Ezekiel's Audi R8.

"Disneyland here we come!" I say with a huge smile from the passenger seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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