Chapter 18-Ezekiel

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"Our plan worked." Autumn says with a laugh as she walks back to the living room with more pillows. I can't believe I was hearing my sister's and best friend's moans. "I can't believe they would do anything while we we're here." I say as Autumn cuddles into my arms. "I know right. That's pretty gross, my best friend and kind of guy friend. I mean I guess I have to be friends with him since he's mates with Ellisa." She said. I chuckle and settle into the couch, getting ready to fall asleep.

"Hey babe?" Autumn whispers like she doesn't want anyone to know what she's about to say. "Hm?" I mutter, almost asleep. "Did you know that Ellisa and Eric haven't mated yet?" She whispers and I wake up right away. "Seriously? She's made him hold out for 8 damn months? Must suck." I say and chuckle again. "Well we only did it like 20 times." She says thoughtfully. "How bout we make it 21?" I say and pull her on top of me, kissing her neck. She laughs. "No, let's just go to sleep." She says and pecks my lips then goes back to her original place. I sigh. If we were back at her place then we would be mating right now.

"I love you baby." She says and I nod my head sleepily. I hear her giggle softly before I knock out.

"Should we wake them up?" A voice says. I feel Autumn shift on me and groan. I moan back. "Ew gross, he's getting a boner on my favorite couch!" Another voice says. At that, I slowly wake up and with Autumn still sleeping on me. I turn my head to see my sister and Eric looking at us with disgusted looks on their faces. "Dude, you got a boner." Eric says. I groan and turn my head away from them, trying to get back to my dreamy place. "Shut up." I mumble and almost slip back to sleep until a pillow is thrown at me.

"What the fuck!" Autumn screams as she wakes up. She really isn't a morning person. Waking her up is dangerous. "Why the fuck-" she says but Ellisa throws another pillow and laughs. Autumn gets up and stretches. I turn to watch the show and her ass is in my face. "Mmmm. Perfect view in the morning." I say and kiss her left butt cheek as I sit up and stretch. "Z! That's disgusting!" Ellisa says and throws yet another pillow, but I grab it and throw it towards. It flies to her face but Eric catches it right before it hits her.

"Get up guys! We've been up for an hour and you guys were still sleeping!" Ellisa says and pulls me off the couch. I groan and lean my head on her shoulder. She laughs and pats my back. "Go take showers, we need to head to the office for a meeting. Dad's orders." Ellisa says and walks to kitchen. I catch Eric staring at her behind, but I say nothing and grab my towel and clothes to take a shower. As I'm showering, I hear someone come in. I sniff and catch my mate's scent. She pulls the curtain a little and peaks her head in.

"Hey babe, just checking up on you. It's been like 15 minutes." She says and then runs her greedy eyes down my body. I smirk at her. "Care to join?" I ask. Her eyes darken. "Sure." She says and I hear begin to undress. She gets in and begins to wash herself as she watches me watch her. She has such a beautiful, delicate and voluptuous body. "Enjoying the show?" She says as she rinses the soap off her body. "Mhm." I say and lick my lips then get out. I dry myself, get dressed as she finishes up and I leave before Ellisa and Eric catch us.

After we're all ready to go, we go to my dads office to see him, my mom, Emilio and his mate Nicole, Eric's parents. "Momma, dad. What's going on?" Eric says as he walks to his parents and hugs them. They barely see each other since Emilio is the beta and him and his mate take care of the foreign relationships with other packs around the world. They run to Ellisa and hug her when they're done greeting their son. "Oh Ellisa! I always knew it would be you that my son would be mated to! Goddess, I always saw that you two were closer than with each other than others. My little Ricardo is all grown up!" His mom says and pinches his cheeks.

I chuckle at his full name. Eric hates his full name because it's his grandfather's name. He never had a good relationship with his grandfather and never will since he passed away. "Mom please don't call me that." Eric says as she continues to coddle him and Ellisa laughs and watches them with adoration. I feel Autumn shift uncomfortably next to me, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her closer to me.

"Okay.... we have very important business to discuss." My dad says as my mom sits closer to him. "Hello to you too loving parents." Ellisa mutters. We walk to the chairs in front of the desk and sit. "You guys are all now of age to take over our positions, and frankly I'd like to go on a worldwide vacation with your mother since Emilio and Nicole got to. I'm a bit jealous." My Dad says and slaps Emilio's arm in a friendly way. Mom chuckles and pats Nicole's hand. "We need you guys to be ready to take over our positions, and to do that you will be going through an intense training starting next week. It will last about a month, and after that month is up you need to choose a sub profession." Mom says.

"What do you mean sub profession?" Ellisa asks. "Sub profession meaning something else you can do as you're beta female. Ezekiel, you have no choice but to choose soldier as your sub profession since you will be alpha and you need to know how to protect yourself and others in dangerous situations. Autumn, you have to learn how to solve problems." Emilio says. Autumn gives him a confused look. "Solve problems? That's my sub profession? A problem solver?" She says confusedly. "Yes. As Luna you will be put into many tough situations where you will have to choose the best option or know how to deal with it." Mom says.

"Well that sucks." She mumbles. I take her hand and lace our fingers together. She shows me a small smile before turning away from me. "Ellisa, I know you want to learn to be pack doctor which is a very good choice." Dad says and Ellisa smiles. "So the last person to choose is you Ricardo." Nicole says. "What are my choices?" He asks. "Well you could train as a soldier with Ezekiel, learn to be a tracker-" Dad says but Eric interrupts. "Excuse my interruption alpha, but I could be a mix? Why learn just one thing when I can learn all 3." He says and Ellisa looks at him confused. "What 3?" She says to him. "Well, why not be a soldier that can track and solve problems." He says wth a shrug.

"Very good idea Eric, but your training will be longer than the others. Are you okay with that?" Dad says and Eric nods.

"Okay. Your training starts in 1 week then. Enjoy being teenagers without responsibilities for now, because this pack's safety and wellbeing will be on your shoulders in a matter of 3 months." Dad says.

We all nod.

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