Chapter 20- Ellisa

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Double chappie in Ellisa's POV, I figured everybody would want her POV again after last chapter. + SEXUAL CONTENT, A LOT OF IT, be advised. (Attached video was the song I was listening to while writing this )

"You okay now baby?" Eric asks after my sobs stop. I nod my head and he pulls back to smile at me and wipe my tears away as I sniff. "I'm gonna finish dinner now." He says and I nod again then sit down on the stool he just vacated. He checks the noodles again then wets a paper towel and passes it to me. I smile at him gratefully then wipe my face with it.

He begins making the meatballs and sauce as I watch him. Jump his bones. My wolf says to me. I laugh inwardly, one day, I say to myself. Today is that day, my wolf says. I roll my eyes as Eric turns to me. "Why are you rolling your eyes? Did I do something?" He says with a smirk playing on his lips. "No my wolf is acting stupid." I say to him. You know you want to. I know I do! She says to me. I ignore her and continue to stare at my sexy mate.

"So how's your training been. Good I'm guessing since you were exhausted." He says when he's straining the spaghetti. "Yeah. Pretty tiring, my instructor pretty much sucks but oh well." I say. He serves us and we begin eating. I wolf down my food since I'm starving as Eric watches me amusedly. "I guess it was good after all." He says. I laugh and wipe my mouth with my napkin. "How was your training? Which did you do, tracking or problem solving?" I ask. "Both. They were actually pretty fun. Do you know when you're gonna start your medical training?" He asks when we finish and start cleaning up.

I shake my head. "Dad hasn't mentioned it since he told me that I need to train to kick ass." I say with my arms crossed over my chest. After we finish, it's only about 8 and I walk to the bathroom to have a quick shower.

As I'm walking to the bathroom with my towel, I see Eric watching me like he wants to say something. "What?" I ask him before I walk in. "Can I um... never mind." He says and blushes a little. I giggle and walk over to sit in his lap. "Tell me." I say. "I just... I was gonna ask if I can... if I can... canIjoinyou?" He says quickly. "Huh?" I ask. "Can I um join you in your umm shower?" He says. A blush begins to spread from my neck and travels up to my cheeks, I already know that my face is as red as a tomato. "Uhh-" I begin to say but he cuts me off. "N-never mind. How could I even ask that after all that happened today? Goddess." He mutters.

"No, um. I'd love if you joined me." I say looking at the ground and blushing. We've seen each other naked, but we haven't taken a shower together before. Sure he would peek in while I was washing myself but he would never actually come in with me. "You sure?" He says. I nod shyly. "Just let me go in first." I say quickly and dash to the bathroom. Maybe tonight can be the night. I think to myself as I begin to undress. I really want it to be tonight. I want to please Eric and make him feel loved, as much as he makes me feel loved.

I undress quickly and pull my hair out of its holder then fluff my hair up a bit, making look a bit sexy. Then I realize how stupid that is since it's about to get wet. I peek my head out as Eric is pacing across the room. "You can come in now." I say and smile reassuringly. He smiles crookedly at me, like a kid in a candy store with $20.

I enter the shower as I hear him come in and begin undressing. Then I hear him sigh. "Maybe we shouldn't do this, I'd be too tempted to touch." He says. I open the curtain and make sure my whole naked body is on display for him. His eyes widen and run down my body slowly as if he's trying to remember how it looks. "Just come in Eric. You're my mate, you get to touch." I say seductively and close the curtain again.

I begin to wash myself when he enters the shower and reaches for the washcloth from my hands. "I want to wash you." He says, his voice raspy. "O-okay." I say. He pours some of my soap onto the washcloth and begins to wash my front. He pulls me so that my back is pressed against his front and I feel his hard length against my bottom. A good shiver goes down my body. This isn't so bad. He's having a good time, I'm having a good time and I'm not freaking out. Maybe it is the day I give it to him. He continues to wash my front, rubbing his hands down my chest, leaving kisses on neck when he finally reaches my vag area.

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