Chapter 10- Ezekiel

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"I knew it. I knew she wasn't going to be okay with us being mates." Autumn says when we get back to her room. "Baby, calm down. She'll warm up to it." I say as I watch her pace. Even when I tried to make her sit, she just stood up and started pacing again.

"She's my best friend Ezekiel! I should've told her the second I figured it out." Autumn yells and finally stops pacing. "Why are you yelling at me? I'm just trying to help you!" I yell back equally as loud.

"Well you're not helping! You're making it worse! Just-just get out!" She yells and throws a pillow at me. I stay sitting on her bed and she keeps trying to kick me out. "I'm not leaving." I say calmly. "Ezekiel, I need you to leave. Now." She says and I hear her wolf begin to come out. Her eyes flash her golden werewolf eyes and her canines begin to grow out.

I stand up and walk over to her to calm her down. "Baby chill out. Chill. I'm not gona leave you baby, I love you." I whisper into her ear as I hug her tightly. I feel her body begin to calm down and she hugs me back slowly. She sobs quietly as I rub her back.

"She was my best friend! I can't lose my best friend Ezekiel!" She says still crying. "It's okay baby, she'll get over it. She has to." I say, not knowing for sure. "You promise?" She says sadly. I cringe before responding. "I promise." I say pulling her closer. She inches her pinky towards mine and I laugh and twist my pinky around hers. Our pinkies don't let go of each other and I kiss the top of her head.

"I feel like all I do is cry with you." She says into my chest. "It's okay baby, I like making you feel better. I love you Tum Tum." I say, using the nickname I made up for her when we were younger." She laughs into my chest. "I love you too Keke." She says using hers for me. She pulls away from me with a serious face. "Maybe we should go to where she and Eric are! Yeah! You could talk to Eric while I force her to talk to me! It's an awesome idea!" She says happy and jittery. I can't deny her when she's so happy about it.

"Okay. Let's do that." I say, hoping and praying that everything will turn out good. No, not good. Great.

Ellisa POV

"Yessss, just like that baby." Eric says and moans. "Like that?" I say back while continuing to rub. "Mhmmm." Eric groans out.

I shift my position on his back as I massage it. When I felt it earlier, he was all tense and I wanted to make him relax so this was the best way.

"A little to the left, just a bit higher from there. Yeah, now a little more to the left and oooohhhhhh yessssss." He whispers the last 2 words and I laugh loudly. "Maybe I should do this more often, you seem really calm right now." I say and continue to massage his back. As I massage it, I glance at the clock to make sure it's not too late since we do have school tomorrow. 10:14.

"We'll go to sleep at 11:30, I need at least 6 hours of sleep to function in school." I say and Eric responds with "mhm."

I stop massaging his back and turn his head to the side so I can see if he's sleeping or not. His eyes are closed and a smile on his lips.

"Are you falling asleep on me?" I ask. His eyes open and he turns around on his back, making sure to keep me on top of him, straddling his lower abdomen now. "Nope. You have all my attention." He says, but I can see his eyes drooping a little. "Maybe we should just go to sleep right now?" I suggest. "No baby, I'm good. I just wana spend as much time with you alone as possible." He says and joins our hands together. I smile shyly as a blush covers my cheeks.

I lay done on top of him to hide my blush. "Then we'll sleep." I mumble. I'm actually a little tired too.

In a few minutes, we're knocked out.

I hear knocking. Why am I hearing knocking? I was dreaming about Eric, not a door being knocked on. So what is that noise?

I groggily wake up and look at the clock. 10:35. Only 10 minutes into my sleep!!

Eric is behind me now, spooning me. When he hears the knocking he immediately wakes up and gets up to check who it is, protective of me. He sighs when he looks through the peep hole. "Who is it?" I whisper. "It's Ezekiel and Autumn." He mumbles as he opens the door. "Is there a reason for this surprise visit?" Eric says when he opens it.

"I need to talk to Ellisa." Autumn says quickly. "We were just sleeping." Eric says and allows them in. I get up from the bed and walk to the door. "What do you want." I say tiredly. "We need to talk Ellisa, I can't handle you being mad at me! I already explained myself to you and I was being 100% honest. Please Ellisa, stop being mad at me. I'm so sorry." She says and sadness is evident on her face. I sigh and pull her into a hug.

She sighs of relief and tightens her hold on me. "I'm sorry too." I whisper. "But you guys really just woke us up." I say after a moment of silence. She laughs and pulls away. "I'm sorry, I just had to see you."

"I understand. And I forgive you and I hope you forgive me as well." I say and she pulls me into another hug. "Of course I forgive you. I love you bestie, I'll see you in school tomorrow." She says and pulls away with a smile. I smile back at her and wrap my arms around myself, feeling a little cold in just Eric's shirt and panties.

Ezekiel looks at me as Autumn pulls him to the door to leave and our eyes meet. I look away quickly and walk back to the bedroom. I may have forgiven Autumn, but she didn't hurt me as bad as Ezekiel did. Growling at me? Man handling me? That's a big no. It'll take a while for me to forgive my twin brother, and today is not the day for his forgiveness.

"So? Everything okay?" Eric says when he finishes locking up again. I nod and walk into his arms, needing to feel his comfort. "I just want to sleep in your arms now." I whisper and he picks me up and lays down together.

A few seconds before I'm completely asleep, I feel Eric kiss my cheek. Then he says something right before I fall asleep that makes my heart skip a beat.

"I love you Ellisa, and I always will."

The Future Alpha... And EllisaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora