Chapter 6

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Elena P.O.V

I look at the clock and sigh.

"Hey honey" I look at my dad and sigh.

I was waiting for Freddy. He said If I wanted to go to the movies with him and I said yes. It's been 4 hours since he called.

I wonder if he forgot.

"Hon?" I snap out of my thoughts and see me dad leaning against the counter.

"Have you eaten?" He says.

"No not yet. Freddy was supposed to come get me" I said sighing again.

"I wanted to talk to you about your mom" he says pulling out a chair and sits beside me.

"Dad I really don't want to get in a bad mood" I said looking at my hands.

Lately I've been happy. Maybe it's because I'm dating Dean Winchester. Yes ugly Betty is secretly dating a popular guy. He has been really sweet to me. We hang out every day after school at old mans creek.

"You have to know something"

"Hey Uncle Greyson" I hear Freddy and thank god he got here before dad talked about mom.

I want nothing to do with her.

"Hey kiddo. How is school?" They start talking about his teaching job when I got a text message.

Wanna meet up around 6 today?-Dean.

I smile and text him back yes.

"We should go" Freddy said. I hug my dad before following Freddy to the car.

Danny was sitting in the front.

"I didn't know Danny was coming?" I said smiling at him.

"Surprise" Freddy said opening the door for me.  Freddy has an old blue pickup truck that only has two seat up front. Danny moved to the middle.

"Freddy helped me last night with my dad. He is letting me stay with him for a while" Danny said happily. He was so missable seeing his dad waste his life drinking.

"I have a roommate now" Freddy started the car and backs out.

We arrive at the mall in less then 8 minutes. I get off and wait for Danny. We walk inside and walk up a few stairs.

"I'll get the tickets" Freddy left us alone.

"I talked to Jeremy and he said your mom is back. How was that?" Danny was another friend to me. He was like a brother.

"Annoying. She thinks just because she's my mom I'm going to forgive her"

"I know it's painful but maybe she changed?" He says.

I shook my head and was about to tell him no when I see Dean with Alice. They were holding hands and laughing.

It stung a bit. He looked happy. We haven't done anything yet. No kissing or holding hands. Mostly talking about our life.

"What's wrong?" Danny touched my shoulder.

"Nothing" I hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. Dean looked up and saw me.

Danny grabbed my arm. He pulled me to where Freddy was. I look back and see Dean looking jealous. 

Wait a minute jealous? Of Danny?

Yeah right. Dean Winchester jealous over ugly Betty.

"Got the tickets" Freddy said making me look away from Dean.

I pace around a tree at old mans creek. Dean told me to meet him at 6 and it was 7. Did he ditch me? Was he mad about the movie? No of course not. Why would he be mad over that?

"Sorry I'm late I had some problem with Alice" Dean said scaring me. He chuckled before hugging me.

Why is he hugging me?

He looked like he wasn't going to let me go. I gulp down nervously and hug him back.

It felt nice. It felt like I was made for his arms........I'm going crazy.
We stop hugging and he sits on the ground. I felt my cheeks burn. Oh god Am I falling for him?

"Who were those two dudes you were with at the movie?" He asked looking at me.

"Danny is a family friend and Mr. James is my cousin" he looked relied.

"I'm sorry" he says out of nowhere. I look at him confused.

"What for?"

"You seeing me with Alice" He says looking at his hands.

"It's okay" I said forcing a smile. I didn't want him to know I'm jealous. 
We sat beside each other watching the trees move with the wind. It was getting cold. I should've brought my jacket. I hug myself with my arms.
Dean took out his sweater and placed it on me. I thank him. He's so sweet.

An hour passed and it was getting kinda dark. He helped me up and we walk towards his car.

"You seriously don't remember Sam's face when he got stung by a bee?" Dean says but my mind and eyes were on a car.

There was Mr. Harrison in his car making out with my mother.
I felt my heart race. Not again.

"Elena what's wro oh" Dean looked into the car. My mom saw us and pushed Mr. Harrison away. She got out of the car but I was already running through the woods.

"Elena wait up!" Dean yelled but I couldn't stop.... I didn't want him to see me like this.

I didn't realize the branch in front of me and fell face first on the ground. I scramble to my knees and cry.

"Elena" I see Dean kneel in front of me. He looked at my face and touched my chin. I felt the blood fall down.

"Why did I do to deserve this?" I whisper before sobbing. He wrapped his arms around me letting me cry on him.

{{comment what you think? Do you think Dean  is having fun with Elena?}}

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