Chapter 18

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Dean P.O.V

"SAM!" I yell slamming the door behind me. Sam came out from the kitchen with a sandwich in his hands.

"What?" He asked jumping over the couch.

"Whats with that girl Emily turning Elena into a slut!" I yell angrily.

"I wouldn't call that a slut. I seen alot of girls walk out of your room slutter then Elena" Sam says turning the tv on.

"Elena isn't like that! Emily is turning her into something she's not" I said feeling anger run through my veins.

"Look you made her like that. With your stupid bet. You think just saying sorry she would forgive you? You broke her heart. Its a miracle she's still herself. You don't even know her" Sam says standing up. He was way taller then me.

"You didn't spend nights with her crying on your shoulder. You didn't have to force feed her. You didn't see how messed up she was because of you" Sam yelled.

"I thought you forgave me?" I said lowering my voice.

"Maybe I haven't. Elena is my best friend. I never thought my own brother was that cruel. You made her fall for you hard." Sam shook his head at me disappointed. He grabbed his jacket and left the house.

"Come on Dean get up. We have a party to go to" I look at Derek and shake my head.

"Don't want to" I cover myself with the covers. Sam left 5 hours ago and I stayed in bed thinking of my life and Elena.

I'm a bastard. My mom would've have been so disappointed in me.

"That's it! I'm done watching you be sad because of Elena" I felt him pull the covers on me.

"You're going to win her back." He says with his hands on his hips.

"How? She hates me" I sit up.

"I don't know I haven't had a real girlfriend. Um make her fall for you again but this time your not faking." He says throwing me my leather jacket.

"Come on" He says walking out of the room. I shake my head and get up. I know he will come back with a glass of water.

I walk down the stairs and out the door. I get in the car and Derek drive to Elena's party. We arrive and see Sam at the door talking to Freddy.

"You can do it" Derek gave me smile before getting out of the car. I follow him in the house. Sam didn't say hi. I hate not talking to him. We use to be so close.

"Winchester" Luke says.

"Johnson what are you doing here? don't you have a game?"

"Nah I got kicked out" He was in the soccer team. I guess Freddy got tired of his shit.

"Sucks bro" Derek hands me a cup with whiskey.

"Wow" Luke says. I look at the doorway and see Elena with a tight white dress, white high heels and her hair down.

She looked so beautiful.

"She's gorgeous." Luke and Derek say in unison.

I gave them a death look. 

"Who's that?" Derek says pointing to a guy hugging Elena.

He was tall, dirty blonde hair with black jeans,white dress shirt and had a full on beard. Elena smiled hugging him again.

I breath in and out feeling anger run down my spine.

{{YES I know this is short and it sucking sucks. I'm with writers block for this story. I promise I will try to post more. Comment what you think :/ }}

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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