Chapter 13

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"Are you sure you want to go?" Jeremy asked.

"I have to go Jer. I won't be alone. Sam is with me" I said quickly brushing my hair.

"Yeah but Dean will be there" he states the obvious.

"I'm over him. It took long but I'm really am" I said giving him a reassuring smile. He nods standing up.

"If you need me I'll be there to kick ass" Jeremy gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

I look back at the mirror.

Am I ready for this? Am I ready to see Dean again. Will that pain come back? I wasn't sure but I need to do this. I need to show everyone at school I'm not a coward. That they couldn't kick me down.

I grab my leather jacket and smile.

I can do this.

I walk down the stairs. My dad was talking to Sam. Who looked uncomfortable.

"Dad leave Sam alone" my dad casually walks to the kitchen.

"What did he tell you?" I grab my messenger bag and shove my keys,phone and notebooks.

"Something about Dean......and your mother" he says the last part quietly.

"Why my mother?" I said confused. I haven't heard of her in the last two years.

"She wants to see you and your father said if I could come to support you"

"Support me? It's not like she has a big news to tell me" I said chuckling but he wasn't kidding.

"We should go" Sam says grabbing my hand pulling me out the house. 

What big news does she want to tell me?

Instead of worrying just about school I have to worry about my mom.

"Can you get in?" Sam yells. I snap back to reality and get in. I realized it was Dean's car.

"Why are you driving Dean's car?" I ask.

"It's not his car anymore." I look at him for more explanation.

"A year ago he crashed the car really bad. My dad was angry and gave the car to me until Dean can pay back for the insurance that my dad had to pay by selling his own car" Sam says driving down the road to the school. I felt my stomach turn.

He parks the car and instantly see Alice trying to flirt with Derek.

I got out and followed Sam with my head held up. Everyone whispered as we passed by.

I wanted to laugh because I over heard them say I'm the new girl.

"I have to go to the office" I said.

"Okay I'll meet you at my locker" Sam sees Freddy from a far.

I walk into the office and see all the teachers who treated me bad.

"I need my schedule please" I say nicely to Mrs.Dia.

"Of courses sweetie. Your name please?" She smiled.

"Elena Gilbert" I said watching her eyes go wide with surprised.

"Elena? Wow you look wow" she stutters.

"Thanks can I get my schedule now?" I gave her fake smile. She never liked me because of my mom. She would talk bad about my family with the other teachers.

"Uh sure" she says grabbing the papers from the printer.

"Thanks" I said walking out. Everyone was inside now. They looked at me and kept whispering.

I guess they never seen a girl with a dress.

I walk down the hall just the way the models taught me.

"Looking good El" Freddy says smiling.

"Thanks. I have English first period" I said to Sam.

"We only have 1 class" Sam checks my schedule.

"Gym great I hate gym" I said annoyed.

"Hey I'm your teacher" Freddy said with a frown.

"Sorry" I smile to him.

"I'll see you later" Sam hugged me before running down the hall.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Freddy.

"He has history with Mr.Jefferson" Freddy said. Mr.Jefferson is the most hated teacher in the entire school. He is super hard and only accepts students with 95% or he will make fun of you in front of the whole class. I had for grade 9 he was sweet to me and only me. He didn't like the way the other teachers treated me.

"I'll see you at gym" I give him a quick hug before making my way to class on the second floor.

Everyone kept looking at me. They were confused and most of them smiled as I passed by.

I get inside the class and see Derek with Alice and her friends. Derek grins from ear to ear. Alice looked up and down before looking into my eyes.

I felt the anger rise when she laughed with her friend. All those years she laughed and made fun of me played in my mind like a movie.

She'll get what she deserve soon.

"Alright everyone sit down" Mrs. Stevens yelled walking in with a cup of coffee in her hand. She was one of the teachers who talked bad about me.

"We have a new student joining our class today" I sit down in the back.

"Emily Fields" Mrs. Steven says to the girl beside her. She had long brown hair,black skinny jeans, combat boots and a leather jacket on top.

"What about her?." They turned around to look at me.

"That's strange they only said one student" Mrs. Steven looked at her papers nervously.

I got up making everyone look at me.

"I wouldn't call myself new. It's me Elena Gilbert"  I said watching how the class eyes widen in surprise.

Alice looked shocked as well as Derek.

I smirk at everyone before sitting back down.

{{{I'm SO SO sorry for taking long. I was sick for 2 weeks and had a writers block . Comment what you think? }}

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