Chapter 14

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Elena P.O.V

"Looking good Elena" I smile at the few people who came up to me.

"Thanks" I said taking out my gym clothes. I looked around for Dean. I wanted to show him how I changed. Show him what his missing.

But he wasn't no where. Maybe he didn't come to school. Bastard.

I walk down the hall to the end where the change room was. Alice and her friends were laughing at something. I walk in with my head up giving them a smirk.

"Just because you changed doesn't mean your not a loser" Alice said to me.

"I may be a loser but I can outgrown that but you will still be a bitch no matter what" I said. She looked at me surprised at my words. She huffs before storming out.

I quickly change to my shorts and t shirt. I put my hair in a high ponytail and walk out.

I open the door and groan. Derek was leaning against the wall for me.

"Did I ever tell you you were always beautiful" he says sweetly.

I roll my eyes walking to Sam. 

"Derek why don't you shove off" Sam says annoyed. Derek rolled his eyes before walking to his friends.

"Is he hitting on you?"

"You have no idea" I said looking around. I haven't seen Dean yet.

Not that I care.

I felt someone watching me. I look behind me and see the new girl Emily watching us.

"Alright let's start with basketball.......Mr. Winchester late again"

"Sorry coach it won't happen again" Dean says as he walks to Derek. Derek whispers something in his ear and points to me.

Dean looked confused but his eyes go wide in surprise when he finally sees me.

My heart raced when he slightly smiled. My stomach turned and I got goosebumps.

He was about to walk towards us but Derek stopped him.

I thought i was stronger than this. I thought I would be angry when I saw him but his green eyes that I deeply fall for stared at me.

No Elena stop! You can't think this. Dean hurt you and badly. You should go slap him again or show him that you forgot about him.

I should be done with all the butterflies.....right?


I watch Elena laugh along with Sam. I never thought I would see her again. She changed her looks. She had her hair down. She wasn't hearing sweatpants. She looked even more gorgeous but her hate for me was still the same.

You could feel the hate by her glances and the way she walks passed you.

All I wanted to do is hug her. To get her to smile but I know that might not happen. She hates me. Probably will hate me for a while.

"Why don't you just go talk to her?" Derek says getting my attention.

"I don't want her to slap me or even worse throw her drink at me" I tried but Sam gave me a death look. He's still angry at me for what I did. Who can blame him? I still hate myself for what I did.

"I wonder if she changed for you" Derek knew how I really feel for her. He even tried talking to sam to see where she left.

"I doubt that. I know she changed for Alice" I watch Alice and her posse looking at Elena. She was jealous because every guy was giving their attention to Elena and not her. Elena wants to show everyone she's beautiful. Every guy stared at her which made me angry.

"She's bootyful" Derek says getting me to throw fries at his face.

"Dude watch the face" Derek chuckled.

I look back at Elena but she wasn't at the table with Sam. I look around and see her walking out the room. I quickly grab my bag and run after her.

This might be the only time I could talk to her without my brother or her friends.

"Elena" she stopped walking and sighed. She turned around with her   arms crossed.

"What?" She says annoyed.

"I need to talk about what happened" she chuckled.

"I don't" she replied.

"Don't I deserve a second chance? At least let me tell you my side of the story" she shook her head.

"You had the chance to stop the bet but you didn't and made me look like a fool in front of everyone. So no you don't deserve shit" she says before walking down the hall angrily.


I walk away from Dean. He wants a second chance. I couldn't believe him! He wants to explain to me what happened.

Fucking asshole wants me to forgive him after everything. He couldn't even come see me before I left to London.

Would you even let him?

I shake my head trying to stop thinking of him.

"He really broke your heart?" I jump up looking at the new girl Emily.

"How do you?"

"The way you looked at him at gym" she says leaning against the wall beside me.

"It's that obvious?" I bet people still think I'm into him.

"Yup but don't worry I can help you" she says with a smile.

"How?" I really do want to get over him.

"I'll go over your house today and we'll talk" she said walking away.

What does she mean by that?

{{this chapter sucks. Sorry I took long to update I have no internet. Comment what you think :) }}

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