Chapter 16

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I walk down the hall with my sunglasses on. I have the worse hangover. Emily and I did about 10 more shots, 5 beers and two whiskey glass.

I know she lives with her mom. her dad is in the army. He misses him a lot. She loves reading,her favourite subject is art, loves music and dancing.

"Elena!" I look behind me and groan. Sam was cheery today.

"Where were you yesterday? I called you like 9 times" he says loudly.

I groan holding my head stopping the pain stops.

"Morning" Emily says with a smile.

I look at her and frown.

"You don't have a headache?" I ask her confused.

"That happens to first timers. You'll get use to it" she winks at me.

"Sam this is Emily, emily this is-"

"Sam Winchester" Emily finished my sentence.

"Nice to meet you" Sam says nicely but he gave me a weird look.

"We went to the bar yesterday and I got hammered" Sam eyes go wide. He looked at the both of us.

"She needed it. Hey I'm sorry about my mom this morning. She didn't realized you were over. She asked me if you want to come over for dinner" I had to stay at her house. She ordered a taxi to drop us off at her house. Her mom started yelling this morning at Emily for coming home late and didn't realized I was sleeping on the ground.

"It's okay. Do I have to go fancy?" I ask her. Her mom looked like those rich mothers who dress in suits.

"No you don't. Jeans and t shirt will be fine......but don't come in sweats" she chuckles. Sam was still confused.

"You can come too Sam. My mom will be happy to have people over to cook" Emily says.

Sam looked unsure. I gave him a look and he sighed.

"Sure I would love too" he says forcing a smile.

"Yay. Do you guys know where I can find comic books?" Emily says making Sam eyes light up.

"Your a comic book fan?" He asked eagerly.

"Yeah who isn't? I love batman and the avengers" Emily was a hidden nerd. She told me last night.

"Me too! I have series 200 of the avengers"

"Oh my god really? I been looking for that one! I need it to complete my collection" Sam looked at her with a smile. They will get along good.

"I can show you the comic book store. I have 20% off of the whole store" he said.

"Really!? That would be awesome" Emily looked behind me and frowned.

I look back and see Dean staring at us.

"We should go to class" Emily says.

"He won't talk to you Elena" Sam gave his brother a dirty look.

"Well well looky here the losers are together" Alice says laughing with her friends. Emily rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Elena look its the hoes" Emily said with a high voice. Alice looked pissed off. Sam couldn't stop laughing.

"Elena just because your back all pretty doesn't mean boys will like you. You're still ugly Betty" Alice smirked receiving a high five from her friends.

"You think I'm pretty? Why thank you" I said with a smile. She frowned angrily before looking at Dean.

"Too bad you can't get this" she pulled him in front of us holding his arm. He looked uncomfortable but didn't say anything.

"Why would we want that when we can get a lot more guys at this offence Dean" Emily said to Dean and he shrugged looking pissed off.

"I doubt you two nobodies can" Alice stepped in front of Emily.

"I bet you we can make all the boys go after us and leave your fat ass behind" Emily grinned evilly.

"Fine" Alice turned around and pulled Dean with her.

"Do you really think we can?" I ask nervously.

"We'll make all the boys fall for us and make Dean Winchester jealous" she says staring at the hall.

Sam and I have each other a weird look.

What is she planning to do?

{{sorry for the short chapter but i needed to end it so I can start something new in the next chapter. Comment what you think? }}

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