Chapter 7

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Dean P.O.V

I look around the halls for her. I was worried about Elena. After seeing her mom kissing Mr. Harrison she was completely broken.

I spot Sam and Elena walking towards the lunch room. Her cut was pretty big and had a bruise around it.

Should I go see if she's okay? No you can't what if people see you with her? They can't know I'm secretly dating her.

Weirdly enough we only talk when we meet each other. It's nice to talk to someone who is actually listening and cares. Alice talks only about shopping and she likes to make out. Never had a full conversation that wasn't about her or Elena. Alice really hates Elena and she promised to make her life miserable. But now that Im getting to know her she's sweet and kind.

Oh god what's going on with me? This is a bet not a friendship. I can't become her friend or worse start to like her.

I shook my head and walked to my table. Derek was eating a cheeseburger while laughing with Alice.

"I wonder how she got that cut?" Derek says wiping his face with the back of his hand.

"I bet she was shaving her mustache" Alice says making everyone at the table laugh. I roll my eyes and see Elena get in line. Perfect time to ask how she is.

I quickly get behind her.

"How are you?" I whisper making sure no one was looking.

"I'm fine" she says crossing her arms.

"You don't look fine?" I said watch her shrug.

"Im fine" she says again but she gasped when she saw her mother.

"What is she doing here?" Elena says when she looks at Alice. Alice noticed Elena's mom and got up.

"I'll stop her" I said grabbing Alice before she made her way to Elena's mom.

"Let me go! I need to put her in place!" Alice yelled.

Elena walked to her mom and pulled her out of the cafeteria. I give Derek a look for help. He grabbed Alice for me. I walk to the hall and listen to their conversation.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Elena yelled.

"Well you haven't answered my calls I had to come here"

"I don't want to see you" Elena voice cracked.

"I need to explain about what you saw"

"I know what I saw you are with  a married man? How could you? Knowing how long it took for me and Jeremy to actually talk to you" Elena yelled again.

"I'm not with Ned, we were just talking about you" wow her mom is really stupid.

"Yeah sure you were talking about me. Why don't you leave us alone and go be a slut somewhere else" I peek and see her mother slap her across the face.

"Don't you ever say that again!" Her mom yelled before storming down the hall.

Elena just stood there.

I walk behind her.

"First time I've been slapped" Elena chuckled with tears falling down.

"I'm sorry" I said sincere. It sucks to have a parent like that. I felt sorry for her.

Wait Dean Winchester sorry about ugly Betty?

"Can you take me home please?" She whispered.

"Yeah" I touch her shoulder as we walk to the parking lot.

I open the door and watch her get in. I walk to my door and Elena had her hands on her face as she sobbed. Her glasses were off but I couldn't see her face.

I get in and start the car. I didn't know what to say or do.

I know! I'll take her to my hide out.

I drive to blue road and park the car. She looked up  confused

"This isn't my house" she says wiping her eyes and quickly puts her glasses back on.

"I know but trust me you'll like this" I said parking the car. We get off and I grab her hand. I don't why but I keep getting goosebumps when I hold her hand or hug her.

"You better not kill me......I'll haunt your ass" she says with a small smile.

I pass the huge pine tree and she gasped.

"It's beautiful" she says with a smile.

Her puffy eyes took everything in. The little meadow with the view of the sun. A little river with beautiful flowers.

"My mom use to take Sam and I on hike here" I said remembering my mom long blonde hair that smelt like strawberry, her sweet almost angelic voice laughing at Sam.

"You miss her don't you" Elena said grabbing my hand.

"Everyday" she puts her head on my shoulder.

"Thanks" she says looking ahead.

"For what?"

"For being you" she says making my heart drop.

She took her glasses off and my eyes open wide.

She looked so different without the big round glasses. She almost looked beautiful.

{{comment what  you think.? What is Dean planning to do? Is he falling for Elena? }}

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