Chapter 15

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Elena P.O.V

I quickly change into my black skinny jeans, red blouse and leather jacket. Emily texted me she'll pick me up in an hour.

She seems like a nice girl. I need a girl friend.

"Elena you ready?" I turn around and nod at my dad.

Apparently my mother has big news. Plus she wants to see me after 2 years being away. I don't want to see her at all. She would tell me how I was stupid and naive to believe a man like Dean would like a girl like me.

I follow dad down the stairs and see Jeremy by the window trying to control himself, Sam sitting by the couch and there she was sitting with a smile on her face.

"Elena! You look so gorgeous!" She hugged me tightly.

"Thanks" I hug her back.

"Why didn't you do this before? You wouldn't be called ugly" she says sitting back down.

Jeremy growled. I shake my head  at him to stop.

I sit beside Sam and wait for her to talk.

"Your father thought it was time you know and that you hear it from me"

"Okay...... What did you break another family?" I said chuckling.

"I'm engaged" she says with a smile.

"Hold up! This is a joke isn't it?"

"I wish it was" Jeremy whispers.

"Who's the guy?" I look at my dad. He was okay. He didn't look sad because she moved on.

"Mr.Harrison" Sam said when my mom looked at her hands.

"Mr.Harrison! He has 3 young kids! How could you!" I yell.

"It's love Elena we're in love" my mom tried to explain but I just hold my hand up for her to shut up.

"Out of all the men in this town you had to go with Mr.Harrison. He has a 7 year old girl! You broke another family you're,you're"

"I'm a what?" She yelled back.

"A slut!" I yell in her face. She looked surprised at my words.

"I'm sorry but that's what you are......I have to get out of here" I get up and ran out the house. I couldn't see where I was going with my tears and bumped into someone.

"Elena what's wrong?" Emily puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Take me away from here" I try to stop crying but my mother had done it again. I hate her.

"Of course come on" Emily leads me to her car and drives away.

After a few minutes of driving Emily looked at me.

"You want to tell me what's wrong?" 

"Haven't you heard about my life yet?" I said crossing my arms.

"I heard some things but I want to hear it from you" she says.

"It's a long story"

"I have time. We're almost there" I look at her confused. She drove down a rocky road. I just realized we were out of town. She drove till I see a hidden place. She parks the car and gets out. I get out and follow her inside.

It was a bar.

"Emily it's been long" a man in his fifties with white hair says with a smile.

"I moved towns. Can I get 6 tequila shots Robby?" Emily says walking to a booth.

"Sure" he didn't even check her ID. I sit down across from her.

"Alright go ahead" she says looking at me.

"My mom cheated on my dad a few years ago with Alice father and broke their marriage"

"That's why Alice hates you?" Emily asked.

"Yup and now the whole school will hate me even more because of damn mother" I said angrily.

"That's why you were crying?" I nod.

"My mom is getting married to Mr.Harrison" I said looking at my hands.

"That old man who speaks so slow?"


"Wow your mother is a hoe. No offence" she says.

"It's okay she really is." I shrug.

"Now about Dean. I'm guessing he broke your heart real hard" I look at my hands and nod.

"Here you go" Robby places the shots on the table.

"You tell me what happened between you and Dean and we drink. It's like a game" she says grabbing the shot glass.

"Dean made a bet with Derek and Alice" we both drink. I cough hitting the table.

"Your not a drinker huh?" I shake my head no feeling my throat start to burn.

"What was the bet about?" She looked interested. I hope what I tell her doesn't bite me in ass.

"How long does it take for ugly Betty to fall in love and have sex within a month." I felt the anger coming back.

"Drink" she pushed another shot towards me. We both drink and I couldn't help but laugh. If Sam knew what I was doing he would kill me.

"I don't believe you were ugly"

"I was but I left to stay with my aunt and the models she works with gave me a makeover" they said that beauty doesn't come from the face but inside. I told them bullshit and they said in the model world its face and body but they try to not to think that way.

"Wow. Dean is a douche bag" Emily says laughing.

"He wants me to forgive him but I can't." I said sadly.

"We can make them pay" she smirks.


"We make the boys go after you and we crush Derek and Alice. I'll show you everything and we're going to have so much fun. Trust me." She says happily.

"Why?" I want to know why he wants to help me. We just met.

"Why what?" She said sucking on a lemon.

"Why do you want to help me? We just met?" She chuckled before pushing the last shot to me.

"I need a friend. At my last school I was a loner. Plus I like you and we can be the best of friends" she smiles.

"You up for it?" She asked eagerly.

"Yes let's make them pay" I raise my glass up before smiling.

{{I wanted to post a chapter before I left. I'll be back in a month. Take care and please don't unfollow me. I love you all.

Comment what you think? Do you guys like Emily? Who hates the mom? Leave feedback so when I come back I have something to look forward to :)}}

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