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I'd never given much thought to how I would lose my virginity, but I had always imagined a beautiful man on top of me in my million dollar house, in front of my elegant fireplace while my parents watched him fuck me senseless.

Ok, so maybe my parents watching was a bit far fetched, but it seemed like a good way to get back at those fuckers for sending me to a Catholic boarding school in the middle of nowhere for absolutely no reason. It's not like I was gonna become some devout nun after I left this place. I was probably gonna be a stripper in Las Vegas making more than both of my parents combined and that's just the way I wanted it.

I sat down irritably on one of the empty benches in the cathedral as I looked around nonchalantly. The cathedral was huge and it was decorated with multiple statues of saints and other religious figures while the tall windows were stained with images of St. Francis of Assisi, Jesus and Joan of Arc which wasn't surprising since they were some of the most popular figures everyone acknowledged in religion class. The altar was cloaked in a royal purple since Advent had started last Sunday, a few lit candles sat atop the garments and a bible also rested there.

"Whatcha thinking about fam?" Cheryl asked, snapping me out of my thoughts and back into reality.

"Nothing, I'm just bored." I replied, rolling my eyes dramatically as she sat down next to me and propped her feet up on the kneeling bench.

"Didn't you hear about Father Cummins replacement? Everyone has been talking about him all day. Apparently he's hot and really young." Cheryl smirked maliciously.

"What's his name?" I asked curiously, flattening out the ugly plaid skirt I had been wearing all day.

"Father Jason, Jason McCann."

Just as I was about ask Cheryl another question, Ms. Torres gave me her infamous glare of death, causing Cheryl and I to both go quiet and wait for mass to begin. I was surprised Cheryl stopped talking to me, the look on my face must've been a dead giveaway.

After about ten minutes of waiting; mass was finally ready to start. When the rusty old piano began to make noise it was time to stand up. It was a typical procedure in the church since it was the opening song.

The priest began to walk down the narrow aisle towards the altar while altar servers walked ahead of him bearing a small cross with a crucified Jesus on it.

And there he was, the replacement. Cheryl wasn't lying when she said he was a hot, he was a work of art if I'm quite honest and I'm sure the rest of his body was as well.

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Father (or should I say Jason) said while making the sign of the cross.

"Amen." Cheryl and I said simultaneously.

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all." He paused, smiling at all of the sex-driven teenage girls who had been forced to come to the dreadfully long service, little did he know all those curious eyes were on him, "the Lord be with you."

"And with your spirit." Cheryl responded while I nodded my head. I honestly didn't really care about mass, it was always the same damn cycle every time. It was like watching history repeat itself every two weeks.

"Brothers and Sisters, let us acknowledge our sins, that we may prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries." Father Jason voiced and looked down at the altar for a brief moment of silence.

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