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"Can I borrow that tape?"

"Yeah just one sec. . . ." Jason trailed off as he finished wrapping the mysterious item I wasn't permitted to see.

It was finally Christmas Eve and according to Jason's tradition—it was also the time to wrap presents for your loved ones.

We sat back to back, wrapping the gifts we'd purchased for each other. I wasn't allowed to see what he bought me and he wasn't allowed to see what I bought him. Although I thought about sneaking a few peeks of what he was wrapping for me, I didn't because I was a good girl and because I couldn't see over his broad shoulders.

Jason handed me the tape and I took a few pieces, finishing up the ends of the various packages. It didn't take him much longer than me to finishing wrapping his christmas presents either and when he was done with them; he turned around to face me—planting a small kiss on my lips.

I blushed and gave him one back, pushing the loose strands of hair out his face so I could see it more clearly. His gentle facial expression went perfectly with Mariah Carey's angelic voice singing in the background.

"We decorated the christmas tree, wrapped presents and listened to Christmas music. What's next?" He asked, glancing at the clock beside me every once in awhile.

"How about hot cocoa, gingerbread cookies and Christmas movies?" I suggested while my fingers toyed with his playfully.

"Sounds romantic." He gushed, "come on let's go." He smiled, tugging me off the floor and then along with him. In response I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the side his neck softly, following in his footsteps flawlessly.

When we got to the kitchen, I was forced to let go of him so he could prepare the hot chocolate. He pulled out the milk and whip cream he bought earlier this morning at the store, setting it on the counter while I grabbed two small plates and two frosted cookies from a green container—placing both on separate plates.

While I waited for him to finish up the hot cocoa I played with my hair, peering over at him with my curious chestnut-colored eyes. His long white tee shirt hung loosely on his shoulders and his dark jeans clung to his hips precisely—his hair was in some sort of small bun atop his head.

I always caught myself staring at him. It was an issue, or maybe an unhealthy obsession.

I was a lucky girl and I knew I was. The girls at school could only imagine him on top of them, but I was living it and I was grateful for it. Feeling his hands wander my body and his lips spark on mine whenever we kissed was magical. Everything about him was magical.

He was the feeling you get when you lay in the grass with your lover, stare up at the stars and talk about the universe. He was a sky full of stars.

"Done," he interrupted my thoughts—he had a habit of doing that. "I'm not sure if you like marshmallows, but I put some in yours anyway. If you don't like them I can make you a new one." He handed me the navy blue mug.

"I like them, thank you." I took a small sip of my drink, mentally cursing myself because I burned my tongue in the process.

He nodded, giving me a toothless smile as his dimples peeked through—which caused my heart to do a thing—a thing I couldn't describe.

He must've noticed too because he just giggled and walked away.

I sat down next to him on the plush sofa, handing him his cookie and dipping mine in my whip cream. I ate my cookie first before I snuggled up to him and drank my cocoa.

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