Chapter 2 - Visiting Hours

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Tell me why my mom is so worked up about meeting our new neighbors again because I don't understand stupid ideas.

Really? Cookies? Helping them settle in? You've got to be kidding me.

I'm only doing this because well one, I was forced but other than that, because of the dick face's mom.

Did I mention I barely got any sleep last night since he was literally blasting Michael Jackson, Drake, and Party Next Door all night?

Although he seems to have pretty good music taste, I'd like it if he kept it to himself  for a little while.

I brush my hair lightly, knowing that if I brush it any harder my hair would frizz up into a huge Afro. Having mixed genes is a curse and a blessing.

I put my hair into a ponytail and pin it into a messy bun. I do these so often now I'm basically a pro; I could probably do it in my sleep for crying out loud.

"Zendaya! Come on let's go, now." My mom yells from downstairs, reminding me why I'm even do my hair in the first place.

"Just a second mom!" I yell downstairs to her. Of course I didn't feel like going but I also didn't feel like being grounded.

I grab my cellphone  and my purse as I exist out my room. I still haven't told Marissa about my new neighbors but I can tell her on Monday? It would've been too much to text anyways.


My mom and I decided to walk to their house. I mean, how eco-friendly would we be if we were to drive in our car to the house right next to us?

My mom rings the doorbell and knocks on the door as well, to assure them they have some visitors.

"Zendaya. Smile. Cheer up! I saw a pretty cute boy who might be around your age moving some boxes into the house. You never know, maybe you could make a new friend." She winks at me and I don't even try to carry on with the conversation. I already knew where she was going with it. I threw her a forced smile in return.

Honestly, I wish I had never asked Trevor to turn down the volume of his music, now I feel like everything is awkward.

Wanna know what's more awkward? Him catching you looking at him through a window.

My brain constantly keeps bringing that up, intentionally making things worse.

I could've avoided the whole music situation if I had just told my mom or something, she probably would have filed a complaint and they would have miraculously moved out!

Ha, in my dreams.

Finally, we hear unlocking from the other side of the door and my body stiffens up at the sound of it.

I let out a small sigh from the sight in front of me.

A women a few inches shorter than me with long, luscious, dark brown, curly hair and a curvy figure. Trevor resembles her a lot. Our neighbor's face is curious but my mom gives her a warm smile.

"Um, hi! I'm Claire and this is my daughter Zendaya. We saw that you guys had just moved in next door and we thought we should drop in and welcome you guys." I smile as she introduces me to her.

I honestly wish I was as confident as my mom to just walk up to a total stranger and introduce myself. She's so good with people. The only genes I got from her must have been my physical traits, and nothing else.

"We also brought you guys some home made cookies as well." She smiles again, holding out the pan of cookies to her.

"Aw, that's so sweet! Come in, come in." She takes the pan of cookies and allows us some space to come inside her new home.

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