Chapter 39 - I Love You

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          ZENDAYA'S POV
I wake up to a wet feeling on my cheek. I figured it was Noon so I get up from my sleeping position and open my eyes but I'm not met with Noon, but with Trevor. My eyebrows furrow slightly as my lips curve into a smirk while he does the same.

"What are you doing here? It's gotta be like– wait what time is it?" I say with a raspy voice. I chuckle as Trevor puts a hand of his on each side of me once he hovers over me on my bed.

"You left your window open, don't act like you didn't want me to come over." He tells me which is definitely correct, but I won't admit that to him. He kisses me gently on the lips before releasing. "And its 11:48." He smirks.

"What the hell? It's late! Trevor you need to get home." I put my hands on his chest as he furrows his eyebrows while looking down at me.

"It's funny how you say that as if we aren't neighbors princessa." He leans in to kiss me again and I don't even dare think to resist until I decide to ask him about his day since I haven't seen him in hours.

"How did things go at the pet adoption center?" I question him and his face subtly brightens up.

"We actually gave away 7 animals." He tells me and waits for my response.

"I bet those animals were happy to get away from
you." I tell him, trying to hide my smirk away from him in the process.

"You're crazy." He shakes his head slightly before crashing his lips onto mine. I kiss him right back and both my hands find their way to the back of his neck. One of Trevor's hands rests next to me on the bed and the other slips under my body to grip me closer to him. He slips his tongue into my mouth which causes me to gasp due to my surprise and I can feel Trevor's lips curving into a smile. His tongue continues to venture throughout my mouth, craving the taste of me. I deepen the kiss even more as I bring his head closer to mine but as soon as I do, Trevor stops kissing me and as I open my eyes, I'm met with his eyes, searching everywhere on my face.

I don't say anything as I'm trying to figure out what's wrong but then Trevor starts to breathe heavily as I notice his chest heaving up and down. His lips are trembling, and he looks utterly terrified for some reason. I place my hand on his heart as my face starts to fill up with worry.

"Trevor?" I gasp once I feel his heart. It's beating harder than I realized and it's almost as if his heart was pounding out of his body. Trevor, please be okay.

"Trevor, your heart's beating super fast." He makes eye contact with me again for the first time in over thirty seconds as he gets from on top of me and gasps for air. He wheezes and I follow him to the edge of the bed waiting for him to try and say something, anything.

He stammers for a little bit as he raises his hand trying to use it to speak I guess but it trembles along with his lips.


"I–" He stammers once again with a shaky voice before he looks at my irises.

"I love you." He finally says and takes a deep breathe after. He loves me?! He loves me! He had a panic attack just because he really loves me..

"What?" I say from surprise and I furrow my eyebrows. He can't actually be serious? I mean, Trevor doesn't love, right? I put my hands gently on his shoulders. "Okay, maybe you just–"

"Don't touch me!" He jumps a little from his spot on the bed and I remove my hands from him

"I'm– I'm sorry." He apologizes for yelling at me but I couldn't honestly care less about that right now.

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