Chapter 40 - We're Gonna Be Alright

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"Camille? Could you please sign in these two areas?" And Brenda you sign right here." A lady says as she hands them both a pen. Taylor's adoptive mom actually agreed to coming over this Saturday and basically handing my sister over to us. Her and my mom have been filling out papers for what seems like the longest but in the end, I know it'll be all worth it.

I look around the living room, then to the kitchen only to not find Taylor around. I get up from my seat, gently placing my hand on my mom's shoulder before she gives me a smile in return. I walk over to the stairs in search to find her. As I reach the last step, I see a shadow in my room, of course made from her.

"Taylor?" My eyebrows furrow as I catch her looking at a few things on my dresser. She fumbles a little before turning around to meet me with a wide grin that I'm not very convinced by. I roll my eyes and walk over to her as I take my colon and set it back in it's rightful place.

"Are they done yet? It's been forever. I just wanna be able to call you my legal brother again." She chuckles  and looks up to me as I meet her eye.

"And you will, just give it a little time kiddo." I embrace her into my right side as she hugs me right back. She let's go of me to head over to my nightstand towards my door. I watch her as she then picks up the only picture sat there in her hands. I hate to admit this but a little while before I asked Zendaya to be my girlfriend, I got the same picture I took of her on my first day of school framed and made sure I put it on my night stand. So no matter what, she was always the last thing I thought about before I went to bed. I've done a good job of hiding it whenever she comes over because I know I'll never hear the end of it if she ever sees it there tho.

"Um, why do you have a picture of your girlfriend on your night stand?" She asks me, admiring the picture  as she does which causes me to smile.

"You'll understand once you get a boyfriend, but I'll make sure that never happens, because you're never getting a boyfriend." I say in a perky tone while taking the picture away from her and setting it back on my nightstand.

"What if I told you I already had one?" She looks at me waiting for me to answer and it's honestly hard trying to mask out if she's lying or not.

"Well then, I'd love to meet him." I say sarcastically before squinting my eyes naturally and she does as well. Our stare off doesn't last for long before her mom calls her downstairs to sign a few papers. She winks at me before heading down the stairs and I couldn't help but smile to have her finally in my life again. My eyes roam to the picture of Zendaya before I pick it up to admire her in the picture. Call it love or whatever but I'm so attracted to this picture and it's crazy because she has a full head of very messy hair and her long arms are spread across her bed as she sleeps.

"What's that?" A voice says from behind me which causes me to almost drop the picture on the floor. I hold the picture behind my back and turn around swiftly only to find Zendaya sitting on her window staring at me. I didn't even know she was home.

"This? This is uh– Wait, were you stalking me? I know I'm sexy but damn can I get my face back?" I ask her once I toss the picture on my bed and walk towards my window. I set my arms down on hunch over to get a better view of her.

"Trust me, no one wants your face. I just wanted to check up on you and see how things were going with your sister." She tells me honestly which makes me smile.

"Everything's going great. They just called her down to sign some papers probably so." I start as I catch her gaze.

"Great. Are we still up for our date today or do you wanna wait a–"

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