Chapter 34 - Last Day Together

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Wow. Trevor and I actually slept in the same bed and absolutely nothing happened. Of course he kissed me good night, but he didn't pull a move at all. Not that I wanted him to either..

But honestly, if it weren't for my parents decision which I thought was crazy at first, then I wouldn't have been in my first real relationship and especially not with Trevor. How often do you get to brag to people, even Amanda that Trevor Jackson is your boyfriend? All I know is that even though I don't know what he sees in me, I'm glad he sees it. Currently, I'm riding on the back of Trevor's motorcycle.


Yeap, he literally forced me to get on his motorcycle and even considered breaking up with me but I could see the smile hidden behind his "stern" face.

"Why did I even agree to this? You could be trying to kidnap me and I wouldn't even know." I say uneasily. I mean I know he wouldn't but come on, he could be taking me anywhere and I wouldn't know.

"We're almost there, stop complaining princessa." He says muffled by his helmet. And if you're wondering why I don't just take off the blind fold? Well, Trevor said that if my arms leave his torso, then he was literally leaving me on the side of the road. And I am not taking absolutely any chances.

I feel the motorcycle slow down before it comes to a complete stop. It's Sunday, and it's sad to say this is the last day I have while I can be completely alone with Trevor before my parents come back. Wait until they hear about my new (and first) relationship. Anyways, I have no idea what Trevor wants for us to do today but he said he just wants to take our mind off things. Amanda, his sister, anything. And how could I not agree to that?

"Are you gonna stop daydreaming about me anytime soon and get off my bike Z?" Trevor's voice knocks me out of my very deep thought. And even though I can't see him, I know he's smirking at what he just said.

"Well, I'm sorry. I already don't know how to get off this motorcycle and doing it blindfolded isn't really helping." I chuckle at him as I remove the helmet from my head. Suddenly, I feel Trevor's hands on my waist as he lifts me up from the motorcycle and sets me down on the ground. Talk about strong.

"Thanks." Geez, I'm still awkward with him and he's my boyfriend now?

"Come on, we're gonna be late." He says while guiding me wherever. I can't even take a wild guess as of where we are.

"Care to tell me where you're taking me now Trevor?" I ask him impatiently.

"Do you not like surprises or something?" He replies.

"It's not that. But with you, this 'Surprise' might end up with me getting water hosed or something, I don't know." I tell him honestly. I mean seriously, you really never know with Trevor.

"What?" He chuckles. "Zendaya, what do you hear?" I take the time to actually listen to my surroundings carefully.

"I don't know, Steve Harvey?" I ask seriously. The guy on the intercom kinda does sound like him. "Are we here to watch family feud?" I say with a frown. We stop walking and Trevor sighs.

"For a girl who tutored me, you aren't very smart." I really wish I could see his face right now, just so if he's smirking, I can smack it right off him. "Try again." He chuckles. This time, I do as he says and listen to the intercom again. Wait.

"Now if I didn't know any better, I'd say that sounds like Kenny Smith." I laugh as my blindfold comes lose and I'm met with a basketball stadium. "Wait, this is Oracle Arena.." I say rendered speechless by the building.

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