Chapter 12 - Trevor, The Egoistic God

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I'm worried. Really worried.

It's almost 11 at night and instead of doing something actually productive like studying or coming up with things that Trevor can do at tutorial, I'm sitting at my desk with my phone in one hand, and the other one rests in my lap.

I haven't seen Trevor since we got out of school today. I couldn't even have another conversation with him before he walked out the building so quickly. I guess when he said he had something to do after school, he wasn't kidding.

Zendaya, stop wasting your time; he isn't coming home anytime soon and either way, you look dumb waiting for him.

I'm kinda waiting for him so we could talk.. About where's he's been all day. After what happened at school and after I found out why it did, I'm starting to look at Trevor a lot more differently. He may come off as a bad boy, but he cares. At least I think he does.

That's what different about him than other bad boys, I guess. By now, I would've stopped talking to him because because he's bad boy, but something about him in particular makes me not want to stop talking him.

Trust me, I don't like him. I still have a lot of things I don't know about him.

Who am I kidding? He's hot and I think I may or may not have a little crush on him.

It's just a little crush. Crushes go away right?

Not if it's a crush on a guy you're forced to see every week day at school and weekend in your neighborhood.

In my defense, I think having a crush and actually liking someone is totally different. When you have a crush–

"Zendaya, open your window. It's freezing out here." I look up at my window and see Trevor in the same flannel, white shirt, and black jeans from earlier today.

I walk over to my window, unlocking it for him. It's become a daily thing that even if we haven't seen each other all day, (which is very rare) one of us would meet in either of our rooms.

I slide open the window and let him slide through. The wind brushes through my hair as it touches my skin giving me a million and one goosebumps. I slide the window shut as I turn around to Trevor who has already taken a seat on my bed. He looks utterly exhausted.

"It's like 20 degrees out and you decided to wear a flannel?" I say to him as his eyes meet mine for the first time in which feels like forever. As I really look at him, I notice he has light bags under his eyes which usually aren't there.

"Hey, it wasn't this cold when I left outta school. And besides, I look hot in this shirt." He smirks once more at me, causing me to just smile at his actions as well as roll my eyes.

"Did you at least go home first? You look exhausted." I say sympathetically. He needs some rest so I'm not very sure why he's here, but I'm not complaining.

"Nope, I came straight here." He smiles widely at me, causing me to blush instantly. The effect Trevor has on me is crazy. He smirks knowing that he made me blush.

"I now have another question to ask your mom other than why she let you get a motorcycle." I chuckle.

"Really? What's that?" He grins at me as I take a seat not too close next to him on my bed.

"Why did she let you stay out so late on a school night?" I say putting emphasis on the word school.

"Because she knows what I went to go do, and besides, she's not even home. She's at a business meeting." He says while messing with his fingers. Is he lying to me?

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