Chapter 22 - It's Noon, Not Midnight

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"I'm gonna be so sad when school is over, I mean this place is like my second home. I love going here every morning." Marissa tells me as we head over to lunch. She basically really likes coming to school because unlike most teenagers, she actually likes waking up early every morning and getting ready for school.

"I'm not. If school ended today, I'd be totally fine with it. I'm so over school. Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing motivates me to come to school except getting good grades." I chuckle as we walk over to the lunch line.

"And Trevor. Admit it Zendaya, you like his attention." Marissa winks her left eye horribly almost making me burst into laughter.

"How did the topic change to Trevor so quickly?" I sigh and walk a few steps in the line as she follows me.

"Because I brought him up. Come on Z! I can tell deep down you really like him." She comes closer to my ear. "You even let him take you to the doctor for your arm, that's trust my friend. Trust." She looks at me like I can't understand what she's saying.


"No, don't lie to me now. What happened to telling each other everything?" She asks me as she walks ahead of me to grab her tray first.

"Maybe if you'd stop cutting me off, I could tell you everything." I look at her and she looks back at me with an apologetic look.

"Look, it's just the fact that he's a bad boy okay? And bad boys don't care, they'll hurt your feelings. I just don't wanna be that dumb girl who started to catch feelings and I end up being hurt. You know I definitely do not have that kinda time to be dealing with all that." I put some juice on my tray and start walking to a table. Marissa quickly catches up with me to speak again.

"Okay, okay. Well let's imagine for a second that he wasn't a bad boy.. Do you think you'd like him then?" She looks at me intently, waiting for my answer as she does.

But honestly, I'm not too sure. I have thought about it before but lately I haven't been worried about it. I mean, Trevor and I are such great friends as of right now and I like that, so why would I jeopardize our friendship?

"Hey Marissa. Can I talk to you for a second?" Trevor asks from behind me and interrupts my thoughts. I turn around and he doesn't even acknowledge that sitting right here. Marissa looks at me the same time Trevor looks away as I nod my head at suggesting she should go.

She gets up from her seat as her and Trevor walk further away from the table. Okay, was it just me or did he just straight up ignored me sitting here? Obviously I was sitting right next to Marissa.

          TREVOR'S POV
"What's so important you couldn't just sit down to talk to me about?" Marissa asks me and I honestly wish I could just curve the question because I just wanted to get straight to the point but I'll be nice for just this one time.

"I couldn't let Zendaya hear us." I tell her truthfully as her eyes almost bulge out of their sockets.

"Trevor, I swear if you're asking me out on a date, I can't do that. Not to Keith and especially not to my best friend." She blurts out to me. Wait, what does that have to do about Zendaya?

A smirk grows on my face. "What? If I were, you couldn't because of Zendaya? Why not? Does she like me?" I tease her as I cross my arms and her breathing intensifies.

"What?! Zendaya like you? No, it's just that you guys are like you know, like this, so." She holds up her index and middle finger and crosses them which actually makes me chuckle.

"I'm kidding Marissa, calm down." I put my hand on her shoulder to cool her down because she really looked like she about to have a panic attack right in front of me.

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