Chapter 23 - That's Why I Like You

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I'm surprised my heart or stomach hasn't exploded due to the feeling of Trevor's lips pressed against mine yet. Our lips move together in symphony and I don't want it to end anytime soon.

He uses his hands that are on my waist to pull me closer to him and I wrap my arms around his neck even tighter. He backs me up a little bit, but me being memorized by his lips, I don't even notice.

There's absolutely no better feeling than this and I wouldn't want to prove that wrong with anyone else.

The time for us to pull apart for air finally comes, at least to my disappointment. His grip on my waist loosens a little and I rest my hands on his shoulders. He looks at me for a few seconds, analyzing my irises before cracking a smile at me and it doesn't take me long to return it right back to him.

"Wait, did that really just happen now?" Trevor asks surprisingly.

"Yeah, Trevor." I chuckle lightly at his question because of how obvious the answer is.

"So that means I just kissed you... And you kissed me back." He states what just happened which makes me laugh a little.

"Why so surprised?" I question him and not once does he take his eyes off me.

"Because for a second there, I actually thought you were gonna slice my whole dick off." He chuckles at his statement and I take my hands down from his shoulders and slide Trevor's hands off my waist.

"Who said I still wasn't going to?" I smirk at him as his eyes bulge out a little before the sound of rattling keys come from the kitchen.

"Zendaya? Care to tell me where this dog came from?" My mom asks from the kitchen and Trevor and I walk over to her. Hopefully she didn't just see us kiss because I don't need her embarrassing me right in front of him.

"Uh, actually Trevor bought it for me. He said he knew how much Midnight meant to me so he decided to buy this dog for me. He named it Noon." I tell my mom smiling widely, as she finally stops petting the dog and looks up at Trevor.

"Trevor. That's so nice of you. Thank you so much. I'm sure Zendaya really appreciates it." She smiles at him as he returns the smile back.

"Oh, I can assure you that she does." He smirks knowing that I knew what he meant by that. We kissed, okay fine. I'm not complaining about it though.

"Well, I'll be upstairs. Trevor thanks again, and tell your mother I said hi." My mom smiles at Trevor and winks at me. Aw man, she saw us kiss. I already know I'll be interrogated about it later today.

"Meet me at your window tonight, we should probably talk." He tells me and starts to walk towards the front door. I follow behind him swiftly. He wants to talk, like talk about where that kiss puts us in our relationship.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you then. And thanks so much again for Noon." I smile genuinely at him.

"No problem. Wow. You know what I just realized? Seems like you're finally falling for me." He smirks widely at me before heading out the door. He says that unknowingly that I already fell for him ages ago.


"You guys kissed?! You owe me 20 of America's finest bucks." Marissa tells my mom who's sitting next to me on the couch.

"Seriously? You guys bet on me? I hope it was worth it." I roll my eyes and smile a little.

"I guess for Marissa, but me? No. I said he would kiss you on the cheek, Marissa said he would go for the lips and now I have to give her twenty dollars." My mom looks over at Marissa only to find her grinning with joy.

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