Chapter 29 - A Day In Detention

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          ZENDAYA'S POV
Never did I ever think in my whole entire lifetime during school would I ever wind up in the detention room especially for doing a prank?!

I'm Zendaya Coleman, the girl who rather study or watch netflix on the weekends rather than go to some party, a girl who never gets into trouble, but look at me now.

I'm sat right next to the master mind behind it all, Trevor freaking Jackson. Behind me sits Marissa, sitting next to Rider, two other culprits in this but what I don't understand is how Dylan and Alex didn't get caught. Wait, forget that thought, how did we even get caught? No one was in the room and the only people in the hallway were students who could care less about what we were doing.

So here's how this dumb situation all went down.

Class had finally started at exactly 9:40am and we had first period to go to which was of course Mrs. Walters's class.

Rider sat next to Trevor in front of Marissa and I. Lucky for Alex and Dylan, they didn't have our class.

"Okay, I want you guys to focus your attention to the board. This is the quadratic formula. Now–" She begins as she reaches for her meter stick on her desk but struggles because it's glued strongly to the desk.

"What in the world?!" Mrs. Walters yells as the class even including me, start to burst into laughter at the sight of seeing her struggle for the meter stick.

"How much glue did you guys use? Because that's not coming off anytime soon." Marissa manages to say while still laughing hysterically. I turn around in my seat to face her.

"Ask Trevor, he's the one who glued it on." I say to her, trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard.

"Be quiet! All of you!" She yells at the class as most of us quiet down but I can still hear Trevor chuckling at all this.

Is it wrong to feel guilty because as I helped him with this prank?

Mrs. Walters finally gives up on the meter stick and reaches her hand out for a pen right next to her laptop but even that is glued to the desk as well, which causes us all to start laughing even more. She goes from the pen, to her folder, to her cup of writing tools, to her stapler; everything, just to find out that everything is glued to her desk.

"You guys think this is funny? This is exactly what we discussed in the meeting, you guys don't take school seriously! I will find out which one of you guys did this!" She raises her voice at us once again. Heading over to the telephone on the wall, her eyes bulge out to notice that the telephone itself is covered entirely out of rubber bands.

"3....2...1..." Trevor mutters and the exact moment he finishes the countdown, Mrs. Walters begins to yell at us once again.

"It must be prank day for Mrs. Walters huh?! Are you guys deaf?! Answer me!" She complains to the class as we all look at her in shock. I mean I've know this teacher for almost three years and never in my life have I ever seen her this mad before.

"You know, doctors recommend that older people shouldn't yell too often because it raises your blood pressure." Trevor says with a smirk evidently plastered on his face.

"I dare you to say one more word, Mr. Jackson. One more word, and you'll be scrubbing the floors with the janitor." She threatens him as his eyebrows furrow and he glances over at me for a split second.

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