Chapter 7 - I'm Not the Party Type

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I try calling Marissa for the seventh time in twelve minutes and she's still not picking up. My car had to get an oil change so it's at the mechanic right now, so Marissa told me she'd give me a ride but she isn't here and she's not answering her phone!

My school is way too far from my house to walk to and in this weather? It would be a crime.

My mom had already left for work because I told her I didn't need a ride.

Big mistake.

Now, I'm almost late for class and who knows? Mrs. Walters might make me stay an extra hour for tutorial.

I bit into my last piece of bacon left on my plate from my breakfast and sigh until I heard three knocks come from the outside door.

Who would be knocking at our front door this early? Because if it isn't Marissa, they can honestly leave.

I look through the window and to my disappointment, I see Trevor. He's dressed in a black and red flannel, a white shirt with black jeans and white high top converse.

I honestly don't know why, but I have a thing for guys in white converse. But Trevor? Absolutely not..

I'm still shocked from yesterday though. The position we laid in on my bed. He almost kissed me, I think. I could literally feel his breath against my face. That's the closet I've ever been with a guy before honestly.

But what if we did kiss? Would things have changed? Does that mean he likes me or was he just trying to make me another one of his.. Girls.

Either way, I don't know how to kiss a boy anyways, which I know is quite embarrassing but no boy has ever paid me this much attention as Trevor, and maybe that's the only reason I'm still at it with him.

I unlock the door and his face appears vividly in front of me.

"Aren't you gonna be late for class?" I ask him holding the door open with my left hand.

"I should be asking you the same thing, princess." He says as he takes a step inside. I don't think he's ever seen any other part of my house except for my room before.

"What are you doing here?" He sets his one folder on the counter and hops into the kitchen. This honestly isn't what I needed. I needed Marissa to come on time so I can get to school, but now Trevor's here.

With his motorcycle!

Um no. Even though my last ride with him was sorta fun, my first experience on that thing was also quite terrifying. He'd be my last choice.

And I guess that's all I have.

"Actually, our refrigerator doesn't look half way as full as yours so I thought I could have some breakfast." He looks up at me, holding the refrigerator door with one hand.

"Oh! Donuts." Trevor says while he reaches for the box but I slap him on his arm.

"I have a proposal for you." I say to him as he's silent. I take that as a sign to continue. "You can have two donuts, if you drive me to school." I say slowly to him as a smirk appears on his face.

"Why wouldn't you have wanted that?" Trevor implies as I roll my eyes. I swear my eyeballs are gonna fall out the sockets one day because of this guy.

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