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Lena Adams walked out of the convenient store after paying for her gas. It was late, and she was tired after the long day she had at work. Days like this made her want to rethink her job as Lead Paralegal for San Diego County District Attorney Goldberg's office. The pay was pretty good, but the hours were definitely not one of the perks. She loves her job; she does, but today...well today, everything that could go wrong went wrong. DA Goldberg had wanted a file he said he had left for her the night before, which he hadn't.

After searching for over an hour for said file, Lena finally found it still sitting on Mr. Goldberg's desk under a pile of other paperwork. Was there an apology from him? No, but then again, she was used to being treated this way. He used her as his gopher to run his errands...on top of her regular duties that came with her job. At this point, in her career and after ten years working for the DA, Lena practically ran the office herself. She was the one who put in the late hours getting briefs together, researching every case until she found out everything there was to know about whomever was involved in the case. Her job was never done though. It wasn't unheard of for her to be working on a handful of cases at a time. It was her job after all, and she did love it.

Lena got in her car and looked to the passenger seat, realizing that she left the file Goldberg had been complaining about this morning on her desk.

"Well fuck," she said to herself as she pulled out into traffic, heading back to the office.

Lena didn't want to go back to the office, but she really needed the file to check on some things before bed. She pulled into the parking garage and parked her car. Instead of her usual parking spot, Lena chose a spot a little closer to the elevator, so she wouldn't have to walk as far. It was going on ten thirty, and it had already been a long day. All Lena wanted to do was get home and take off these God forsaken heels she had worn. They were new, and she hadn't been expecting to stay past five...but here she was, with her feet killing her, still not home yet.

Lena made her way from her car through the darkened, almost empty garage to the elevator. As she stepped in, she pressed the button for the District Attorney's office floor. She knew there wouldn't be anyone left in the office, so she wasn't surprised to see the overhead lights were off. The only light was coming from the moonlight shining in through the windows and a couple of small lamps that were left on in a few of the cubicles.

Lena got to her desk and grabbed the file she needed. As she turned to leave, she heard raised voices coming from DA Goldberg's office, that's when she noticed the light coming from beneath the door. The voices grew louder as Lena made her way toward DA Goldberg's office. She could hear her boss telling someone that he was just doing his job and for whomever was in there with him not to do this. A male voice yelled back at him to shut up.

Lena knew that voice. It was one she knew she would never forget. It was the voice of Nick Ramius, the head the Russian mob in San Diego. Lena could hear the scuffle of the two men behind the office door. She jumped as a loud thump hit the door. Before she had time to think about what she was doing, Lena ran to her cubicle, which was only a few feet from Goldberg's office. Just as the office door flew open Lena hid in the dark beneath her desk. She tried to control her breathing as the voices grew louder the closer they came. She knew she couldn't be seen from her position, at least not yet. If the two men moved further up the hall past her cubicle, it was more likely that Mr. Ramius would see her. Lena quickly removed those godforsaken shoes that had been killing her feet all day. She knew if she had to run, she would be able to do it quicker and quieter without the heels. She pushed them back behind her out of her way. She got up on her hands and knees preparing to make a run for it as soon as she had a chance.

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