Protect and Serve

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Stef Foster sat at her desk working on closing out some of her case files. Her job never seemed to end, one reason was there was an endless supply of criminals that never seemed to diminish. Stef is a Special Agent within the Criminal Investigative Division with the Federal Bureau of Investigation in San Diego, California. She became an agent straight out of college and never dreamed that she would have come this far in her career. During college she had thought she would become a police officer but she had been approached during her final semester and offered a spot at the Academy, so she decided to take it. She's been with the Bureau ever since, almost fifteen years. She loved her job, locking up criminals was what she lived for.  

Stef glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed, she had hoped that she would get caught up on the files that had piled up on her desk while she had been out sick, but that hadn't been the case, there were always more files that piled up no matter how hard she worked. She stood up and started to gather her things together when her office door flew open, causing her to jump and drop some of the files on the floor. She looked up to see her boss, Section Chief Samantha Mullins standing there with a smirk on her face. Over the past fourteen years, Stef and Samantha had become close friends. Best friends if anyone were to ask. 

"Damn Sam, are you trying to give me a heart attack? Just because we're friends and your my boss doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." Stef said as she bent down to retrieve the files that had fallen to the floor.

"Oh come on Stef, you know you like the adrenaline rush. No seriously, I'm glad I caught you before you left." Sam replied as she moved closer to Stef's desk.

"Why, what's up?" Stef said, stopping what she was doing to look at her friend. She could tell by the look on her friend's face that she wasn't going to be happy with her answer.

"Before you get all pissed at me, please listen to what I have to say." Sam said, sitting down in one of the chairs' in front of Stef's desk.

Stef rolled her eyes before sitting in her chair, her elbows on the desk and her hands clasped together with her chin leaning on them. "Just spill it, Sam."

"Um, well Director Forsythe just gave me a case for you. He specifically asked for you to handle this one Stef. Do you know how rare it is for the Director to ask for you personally? It's only happened twice in the five years his been here." Sam was speaking faster than normal, a sure sign that she was nervous about this, making Stef nervous.

"Sam, stop and just tell me what the hell it is. I'm tired and I just want to go home and go to bed." Stef said, leaning back in her chair.

"He's pulling you for a while." Sam replied, dropping her head to stare at her lap, which had suddenly become very interesting, cringing at the noise that came out of her friend.

"What?" Stef practically yelled, well screeched was more like it, as she stood up faster than Sam had ever seen her, her chair flying back into the bookshelves behind her. "You've got to be kidding me? Why is he pulling me? I haven't fucked up, so why in the hell is he pulling me? I have cases to close out and more coming in every day, you know that."

"Calm down Stef. If you would just let me explain..." Sam began, but was interrupted.

"Well you better get to explaining Sam, because if you don't, I really will kick your ass."

"As I was saying, the Director is pulling you to work this. It's a personal case for him and you are the only one he trusts enough to handle it."

"Sam, stop stalling and get to the fucking point of this conversation."

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