Voices Part 1

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"Tinkerbell..." there was a small pause while she listened, "I thought that I was supposed to call you later?" another pause, "I understand, thanks for letting me know. We'll be there. Talk to you later." Stef placed the phone on the coffee table before looking back at Lena, who as now sitting up on the couch.

Lena's voice was barely above a whisper as she asked, "What did he say?"

"He said...," Stef paused as she looked Lena in the eye. She could tell Lena was a little worried, whether she admitted to her or not she could see it in her eyes.

"Stef... what did he say?" Lena was growing impatient. 

Stef looked at her, giving her a small smile before answering, "He said that being it is so close to the holiday... they can't get Ramius in front of the judge for arraignment until after the new year. He said to stay where ever we are at and to call him in a few days for an update. He still doesn't want us to contact anyone." Stef could see the look in Lena's eyes and quickly added, "It's a precautionary tactic, Lena. Just in case... something happens before they can get him in front of the judge. Your safety is still our number one priority. It has to be that way."

Lena looked down at the floor, sighing loudly, "I know. I'm just tired of hiding like this."

"I know, but it will be over soon, Lena. We just have to wait patiently until then." Stef said as she pulled Lena into her arms, hugging her tightly.

December 24, 2015, 5:59 P.M.

Lena sat on the floor in front of the Christmas tree laughing as Stef complained about opening their presents for each other before Christmas. 

"I want to do it now. It's not much, you'll get a better present when we get back home." Lena handed Stef the box wrapped in a midnight blue paper that had shiny silver stars on it. 

Stef smiled, she was excited to see what was inside, even though she had been complaining for the past fifteen minutes about not opening the gifts yet. Sliding her finger beneath the edge of the paper she quickly pulled the paper loose. As she pulled the lid from the box a gasp escaped from between her lips. 

Looking from the box to Lena and then back to the box, "It's beautiful, Lena," she said as she removed the item from the box.

"I know it's not much and I promise to get you something better..."

"Hush woman," Stef said as she placed two fingers on Lena's lips to stop her from talking, "It's perfect, love. Just absolutely perfect." Stef said as she looked back down at the silver eight by ten picture frame that held a picture of a quote that read, 'When I first saw you I fell in love... And you smiled because you knew.' 

"There wasn't much to choose from but I thought it was perfect... at least until I can get you something nicer."

Stef leaned in and kissed Lena softly on the lips, "I told you that is perfect and I meant it, but... I guess we think alike," Stef was smirking as she handed her the present she had gotten for her.

"What's the saying... great minds think alike. I don't mind being in that category with you." Lena unwrapped her present and smile when she removed the lid.  There in the box sat a dark cherry wood frame that encased the quote, 'Love is just a word... until someone comes along and gives it meaning.'

Lena set the box down and pulled Stef over onto her lap,"This is the best Christmas I have ever had. I love you Stef." 

Stef smiled and leaned into Lena, wrapping her arms around her neck as she turned to straddle Lena's thighs. "You have been the most extraordinary, most amazing, most unexpected...person to ever come into my life. I never believed in love or what it meant, beyond the love you have for a family member." Stef paused and cupped Lena's face in her hands, her thumbs running gently over Lena's cheekbones. "I never believed in love until you walked into my life. It was so unexpected, and as you know, it scared me to death. I never wanted to love anyone. Until now. I can't imagine you not being in my life now. It scares me sometimes at how fast I fell for you, but I'm not scared of what we could be together. I'm not scared of how much more I fall in love with you every day. I'm not scared of a future with you, Lena. I love you more than I could ever say or show you, but I'll never stop trying to." 

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