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A/N: Okay guys, there was a mix up with the last chapter and I had to go back and repost it because some of the changes I had made didn't show up. I think it is fixed now so you might want to go back and re-read that chapter before you read this one because it had cut off the very end of the chapter and had a totally different A/N at the beginning and end of the chapter.

Check the end of the chapter for notes!

The sound of the charges going off broke Stef out of the daze she had temporarily been in. She looked back toward the door to see the men moving in, climbing over the crumbled door that had been blown off its hinges. The next thing Stef saw was Lena landing on the ground five feet in front of her with her back towards Stef. The noise of gunfire and men yelling around them was lost in the moment as Stef stared at Lena for a moment. The weight in her heart was suddenly lighter and a small smile spread across her lips as she moved the few feet that separated them. Taking Lena by the shoulders to turn her around caused Lena to scream and try to get away. 

"Lena! Lena! It's me, hon. You're okay." Stef said loudly over the gunfire that suddenly registered in her head. 

Lena spun around, the shock was written all over her face as her eyes met the hazel eyes of Stef. "Oh God, Stef," Lena cried out as she threw her arms around Stef's neck, pulling her in for a tight hug, "I was so scared that they had killed you," she cried into Stef's neck.

Stef pulled back quickly, hands cupping Lena's cheek, "I'm fine love and I promise to give you a proper kiss later," she said and then kissed Lena quickly, "but right now I need to get you to safety." Stef looked away for the first time to take in the situation around her. 

The men on her team were scattered around, the gunfire still ringing through the air, mot of them had moved through the back door of the warehouse. Others had moved toward the dock off to the side of the building. Stef grabbed Lena's hand in hers and pulled her along the back wall toward the way the team had moved in from. She needed to get them to one of the vehicles and get Lena to safety. 

Stef moved them toward the corner of the building but a voice coming from behind her stopped her in her tracks, "Agent Foster!" 

Stef turned back around, her hand never losing grip on Lena's hand as she held it tightly. She saw Director Forsythe with Nick Ramius in front of him with his hands in the air and a gun to his back. "Sir, what are you doing here?" she asked him, confused as to why her boss would be here, her gun aimed at Ramius.

"I heard that Walt needed help with this takedown so I pulled my resources. I caught Ramius down at the dock trying to get away by boat." Forsythe said as he pushed the man in front of him causing Ramius to stumble slightly toward the two women.

Stef pushed Lena behind her further as she took a few steps back as she watched Ramius stumble towards them. "Stay behind me, Lena," she whispered to Lena, her hand tightening around Lena's a little more. 

Just as Stef opened her mouth to speak, she saw Walt step out of where the blown door used to stand. His gun drawn and aimed at the Director. "Stef, take Lena to the SUV and get her out of here," his eyes never leaving Director Forsythe's back.

"Walt? What's going on?" Stef asked the man who still had yet to look at her. 

"Stef, just do as I say..." Walt began but was interrupted by the Director.

"No Stef, I suggest you don't that. You can't trust Walt. He could have planted a bomb under one of those SUVs'. You know there was a leak in one of your departments. You know it wasn't you, so the only logical choice would be that it was Walt. How do you think Ramius' men found you so easily? He's the leak, Stef." Forsythe reasoned with her, and it was a compelling argument.

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