Choices We Make

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December 1, 2015 7:17 P.M.

Lena sat on the bed, leaning against the headboard thinking about things while Stef was in the shower. She couldn't help but sit there and think about what she had done a little over an hour earlier. She didn't know what had come over her, but the need to kiss Stef had become to strong for her to resist doing so any longer. The way Stef had melted into her and the way her body had felt against her was almost more than she could handle now. Lena could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she blushed from the memory. She still didn't know how they were able to pull themselves away from each other to find a hotel... but they did. They were even able to eat and have a conversation without it being awkward for either of them. They both steered clear of bringing up this kiss into their conversation though. It was like the two women had a silently agreement not to talk about it.  

Stef emerged from the bathroom in just a robe, her blonde hair still dripping slightly around her shoulders and her skin still damp. Lena looked away, biting her lip to keep from moaning aloud at the sight of the other woman. Stef caught Lena's reaction but didn't say anything to her, she just smiled to herself as she moved over to the bag that held her clothes. They would have to make a stop for some things tomorrow. She pulled out something to sleep in for herself before retreating back into the bathroom to get dressed.

As the bathroom door closed again, Lena let out a sigh of relief, her falling back into the headboard with a soft thud. There was no way that she was going to be able to look at Stef now and not think about what her lips felt like against hers. In the bathroom, Stef was having the exact same thought as she leaned against the counter looking in the mirror. 

Stef knew that she had to stay focused on her job right now, but how could she do that when her job was laying in there on the bed, practically begging Stef to take her. This is a nightmare. I'm living in a fucking nightmare. Stef though to herself, splashing her face with cold water. Any other time Stef would not have hesitated to take anyone. Hell, she would have taken Lena against the car in that parking lot if the circumstances had been any different and they weren't running for Lena's life. She wanted her, there was no doubt about that, but she couldn't do anything to jeopardize Lena's safety. That meant, hands off, at least until this was over. She could do that. Of course she could, she had willpower. Stef sighed before she opened the door, seeing Lena was not on the bed anymore. 

Stef quickly scanned the room to find it empty and the door was cracked opened. She hurried to the door, throwing it open and almost running into Lena who was about to come back through the door.

"Where the hell were you at?" Stef said as she grabbed Lena by the arm, pulling her back into the room before slamming the door closed. 

"I needed some air, Stef..." She began but Stef cut her off.

"You could have waited for me to get out of the bathroom Lena. do not ever go out without me. Is that understood?" Stef's voice was raised, and Lena could hear the worry laced in her words.

"Look, I'm sorry Stef, but I stood right by the door..." Again Stef cut her off.

"I asked you if you understood?" 

"I am not a child, so stop talking to me like I am one." Lena said back angrily. 

"Then stop acting like one. If you want to stay alive, then you have to trust me and do as I ask you. You can't just go out whenever you want to and I'm sorry about that. I know you have no privacy right now, but damn it Lena, I am doing my best here and I need you to do yours." Stef said as she paced back and forth across the room, pushing her hands through her wet hair.

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