Say Something

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A/N: I think I have spoiled you guys by posting so quickly and I apologize for the wait on this chapter. This is the longest chapter so far and that is why it took me a whole 2 days to write it. Hopefully, it's up to your expectations but I will let you be the judge of that. I hope you enjoy it and please leave a comment and vote.

December 3,2015 11:52 A.M.

After getting the target, Stef was quite impressed with how well Lena had done. It wasn't perfect, but Stef wasn't expecting it to be. All the shots hit the body outline on the body except for the one that went high, it hit the corner of the paper. She smiled to herself as she walked back to the house, noticing the temperature was already beginning to drop. She would have to move some logs for the fireplace in from the garage soon. Every time a winter storm came through the electricity would go out, it never failed, which meant there would be no heat. The central heat and air unit, as well as the rest of the appliances, were all electric, so if the lights went out so did the unit.

Stef walked into the house through the back door, to find Lena by the stove, humming while she was cooking. Not knowing exactly what to expect from Lena, she approached her slowly. 

"Lena?" Stef said, but her voice came out as a whisper and Lena didn't hear her over the song she was humming, so she tried again, "Lena?" 

Lena turned her head to look at Stef, not stopping the stirring of whatever was in the pot. "Yeah?" she said before turning her attention back to the pot in front of her.

Stef didn't know if Lena was upset with her for what happened at the gun range or not. She couldn't tell from her short, one-word answer. 

Stef held up the target, "You did an excellent job considering this was your first time shooting a gun, something she had found out earlier as they had made their way to range.

Lena turned the pot off and removed it from the burner, before turning to face Stef completely. She looked at the target and then up at Stef's face, who was smiling widely at her. She could see how proud Stef was and it made Lena smile in return. 

"Not bad huh?" Lena said nonchalantly.

"Not bad? Not bad? Is that all you're going to say? Lena, this is great! With practice, you will be able to hit the center of this target with no problem." Stef said in disbelief at how passive Lena was being.

"Stef, calm down!" Lena said as she grabbed Stef by the shoulders. "I was joking. I'm kind of proud of myself for doing as well as I did." 

"I knew that," Stef said as she felt her face heat up in embarrassment. 

Lena dropped her hands, laughing to herself at being able to embarrass Stef. Stef folded up the paper target and put in in a drawer of the desk that was in the corner of the kitchen. Lena watched her as she moved around the room and wondered if she was trying to keep herself busy so she wouldn't say anything about earlier. Lena decided not to bring it up unless Stef did first.

"I made some vegetable soup. I thought it would be a good way to warm us up." Lena said as she took two soup bowls from the cabinet and got spoons for them from the drawer. 

"I could think of a better way to warm up," Stef mumbled to herself, low enough that Lena couldn't hear what she said. "Wait...we didn't have any cans of vegetable soup."

"It's homemade," Lena replied as she set the two bowls filled with soup on the table before getting the crackers from where she had laid them on the counter earlier. 

"Well thank you for cooking. I had planned on just eating a sandwich. This is so much better." Stef said as she sat down eyeing the bowl of soup. 

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