Reality Sets In

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December 1, 2015  3:26 A.M.

Stef had been driving for two hours and she knew she would have to stop soon, she was barely able to keep her eyes open. She looked over to her right and saw that Lena was asleep, her head lying against the door. Stef continued along the interstate until she got to the next exit with lodging available. Pulling off onto the off ramp, she drove past the higher class hotels and chose a little motel a few miles down the road. She wanted to stay as inconspicuous as possible, if that was even possible. Pulling into the parking lot of the the dingy motel. The rooms all had exits on the outside facing the parking lot and with this motel there weren't any rooms on the back side of the building. Which meant that surveillance would be a little easier for her tonight. She looked over at Lena again and noticed that she was starting to stir since the movement of the car had stopped. 

Stef waited for Lena to become aware of her surroundings before she spoke to her, "I'm stopping for the night. I know this isn't much but we need to stay out of the larger hotels." 

Lena looked around and noticed the sign, it wasn't one she recognized. "It's fine, I understand. It's not that bad." 

Stef nodded and got out of the car, before closing her door she leaned down to look at Lena. "Wait there." 

Once she was out of the car, Stef got her bag and the one Walt had left there for her out of the backseat before walking around to the passenger door, looking around cautiously before opening the door for Lena. After helping her out, Stef lead her to the front desk to rent a room for the two of them. 

The young guy at the desk couldn't have been more than twenty years old and he gave them a knowing look. Stef didn't set him straight, she didn't care what he assumed, as long as he didn't bother them she was fine with whatever he was thinking about the two of them.     

Stef looked over at Lena while they waited for the key cards to their room. Lena was staring at her with her eyebrows raised. 

"What?" Stef whispered to her.

"Why didn't you tell him that we're not a couple?" Lena whispered back.

"I didn't see the point in ruining the rest of shift. It's harmless. How do you know that is what he is thinking anyway?"

"Come on Ag... Stef, you could see it in his eyes. He was practically drooling on the keyboard while he typed in your information. Like he was imagining us rolling around naked together." 

"It's harmless Lena. It's a good cover for us anyway." Just then the creeper came back with the key cards, handing them to Stef.

Stef grabbed the bags and lead the way back outside and down the sidewalk to their room. Using one of the key cards she unlocked the door and let Lena pass her to go in first. Scanning the parking lot one more time before she walked in, closing and locking the door behind her. Stef almost ran into to Lena who had stopped and was looking at something. 

Stef looked around her and realized what she was looking at, there was only one king sized bed in the room. 

"I'll take the couch over in the corner, you take the bed." Stef said as she moved further into the room, setting the bags down by the bed. 

"No, it's okay. It's a big bed, we can share." Lena said before walking over to sit on the bed.

Stef dug around in her bag before pulling out two pair of sleep pants and two tank tops, along with underwear and socks. "I thought you might appreciate changing into something more comfortable than those scrubs. I wasn't sure if they got you any clothes or not." Stef said while handing a set to Lena. 

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