Voices Part 2

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A/N: Okay I just wanted to tell you that I'm not good at writing the stuff in the next few chapters. It is out of my comfort zone but I am tackling it anyway. Please forgive how some of this may not be that good. I hope you enjoy it though. Much love to you all!!

Stef wondered why he hadn't shot her, but she didn't have to wonder long, the felt a sharp blow to the back of her head and then darkness enveloped her. The last thing that ran through her mind before she lost consciousness was Lena.

The man that held Lena dragged her back to the road where his vehicle waited. Opening the back door to the black panel van the man shoved Lena inside before he stuck her with a needle in her neck. Within seconds, Lena blacked out. She didn't feel the ropes being tied around her wrists and ankles, or the duct tape being placed over her mouth.

Stef could hear a voice calling her name, but the voice sounded so far away. Her eyes fluttered a few times before she could open them. Then it all came back to her, the men... Lena. She had to get to Lena. She quickly tried to sit up but the pounding behind her eyes hit her suddenly and a wave of nausea had her rolling to her side to throw up in the snow.   

"Stef? What the hell happened to you?"

Stef could now hear the voice and knew who it belonged to. She coughed a few times before getting up from the ground slowly. She didn't reply, instead, she walked into her house where she stopped at the kitchen sink to rinse the bad taste from her mouth. She went and grabbed her cell phone from the coffee table in the living room and dialed the only person she had to call. 

The phone on the other end rang three times before it was answered. Stef could feel the body standing behind her as the voice came on the other end of the line.


"They got her Walt." Stef quickly interrupted him.

"What happened?" 

"They came out of nowhere... I don't know... she... I have to get to her. I think they're taking her back to San Diego, I'm on my way back."

"Stay calm, Stef..."

"Don't tell me to stay calm, Walt. It's not about keeping her safe until trial now, It's about keeping her alive Walt. She has to live Walt, she just has too. I need her to stay alive... for me." Stef couldn't feel the tears as they fell from her eyes.

Walt could hear the anguish in her voice and knew right away that this had gone way beyond Stef being Lena's protector. "Just get back as quick as you can, I'll be waiting for you. We'll find her, Stef. We will."

The line disconnected and Stef dropped the phone to the floor in front of her as she sank down to her knees as the tears kept falling. "I don't know what to do Mitch. I don't know if I can get to her in time." 

Mitchell sank down behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against him in a tight hug. "I'll help. I told you I would do anything that I could and I meant it. I have the training, you know I do. I wasn't a Navy Seal for nothing. We can do this. You and me, together. We got this, Stef. Get up and get what you need so we can get going. I still have a few connections but we'll have to hurry. Go get what you need, I need to make a few phone calls."

Fifteen minutes later, Stef was changed into black swat pants, a long sleeve black t-shirt, and her black combat boots. She was just finishing putting her hair into a tight ponytail when Mitchell came back in the house. 

"I've got everything ready to get us to San Diego, are you ready?" 

"Yes," she replied quickly as she looked him up and down, "but you can't wear that. There's a box in the garage with some of my dad's old combat clothes, go change while I grab something from my room." 

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