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A/N: I really want to apologize that it has been so long since I have updated this story. I'm really sorry. I have had trouble getting logged in to this site and my computer is on the fritz. I promise that I have no intention of forgetting about this story. It is almost completed now, only a few chapters to go. I hope that I don't disappoint anyone. I have been working on a little one shot that I hope you will enjoy once I post it. The title for that story will be 'Sweet Temptation' and it's nothing special and definitely doesn't follow any story line from the show just to warn you. I seem to do better taking the characters away from what the show has them doing. I also haven't forgotten about the contest on what I should write next so be looking for that as well (As long as my computer keeps working). Give me time to get back into my writing and I will have a lot of ideas to push out. Okay, one more thing. Do I have anyone that reads this story that is a fan of Rizzoli & Isles? I have a short little ficlet (only a few chapters) that has been running around in my head and I just want to know if anyone would be interested in reading it? Leave a comment if you would like to see it posted here. Thank you to the people that have messaged me to see how I was doing. I haven't been able to see any comments or anything until recently so please don't take offense that I didn't respond to you. It wasn't intentional. Hopefully, I will be able to get this story finished before my computer decides to act up again. 

The man that held Lena dragged her back to the road where his vehicle waited. Opening the back door to the black panel van the man shoved Lena inside before he stuck her with a needle in her neck. Within seconds, Lena blacked out. She didn't feel the ropes being tied around her wrists and ankles, or the duct tape being placed over her mouth.   

Lena stirred, her body stiff from laying in the floorboard of the cargo van for who knows how long. She tried to stretch her legs out but realized immediately that her hands and feet were hogtied together behind her. Her mouth was taped but her sight was left unhindered. She looked around the interior of the space she occupied and knew that this was a different van than the one she had been put into earlier. She remembered the other van had been black, inside and out. This one was white, on the inside at least. She could hear the mumbled voices from outside the sliding side door, not able to make out what was being said. 

Lena squinted her eyes as the pain in her head intensified, the stress of this whole situation had undoubtedly given her the killer pain that throbbed behind her eyes. She couldn't remember being hit in the head so she didn't think that was a cause for the pain. The only other thing Lena could think of was that it could be a side effect from whatever they had injected her with. None of that mattered at the moment. She had to try to stay calm and figure out how to get out of this. If she could. She knew that Stef would be looking for her... if they had left her alive. Suddenly tears sprang to her eyes at the thought of Stef laying in the snow at her house, blood pooling around her body, all alone. The thought of losing her in such a manner was too much for Lena to take. 

If Stef had been killed... she knew there was no way she would be able to survive without her. Tears fell freely from her eyes as she cried for the woman she loved. If Stef was gone then she didn't want to live without her. They could kill her now and she wouldn't care. She just wanted everything to end one way or the other. The fight to stay alive that she had been holding onto for the past month suddenly ebbed away. She didn't feel like fighting anymore, not without Stef. 

The voices outside grew louder startling Lena with the anger that was erupting outside the sliding door. She couldn't control the tears that steadily fell from her eyes, all she could think was that this was it. Soon she would take her last breath and this would all be over. Lena's body shook uncontrollably as the door swung open. Two men stood in the opening of the door looking at her for a moment before the larger of the two pulled her by her legs towards the door. Picking her up he slung her over his shoulder without saying a word. 

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