Things Unsaid

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December 3,2015 8:24 A.M.

Lena woke with a start, sitting straight up in the bed she was laying in. She didn't remember going to bed last night and wondered how she ended up in here. She looked down and saw that she still wore the clothes she had been wearing. She looked around the room, which was fair in size, noticing that the room was decorated in a similar fashion as she would decorate it. Pushing the comforter back off of her, she dragged her body out of bed before walking over to the dresser. 

Lena opened a few of the drawers and noticed that Stef had put her things, that didn't need hanging up, away. Going over to the closet and pulling open the door, smiling to herself as she saw the jeans, pullovers and shirts she had bought yesterday hanging neatly on the hangers. She removed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a dark red pullover from the hangers and laid them on the bed. Grabbing underwear, socks and a bra from one of the drawers along with a lighter red tank top from another, she laid them on the bed with the other clothes she had picked out. Taking the robe that was hanging on the back of the door, Lena made her way quietly down the hall to the bathroom. She didn't hear any movement coming from anywhere in the house so she assumed that Stef was still asleep. She quickly took a shower and dressed for the day before she made her way to the kitchen to make coffee and start breakfast. She wanted to help out more than Stef had been allowing her to do, and this was a good way to begin to show Stef that she was not going to break by performing simple tasks around the house.

Stef stirred in her bed as the mixed aroma of coffee and bacon wafted in beneath her door. She smiled without opening her eyes as she laid there and stretched her muscles. She finally pulled herself out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She was lucky that her room had an en suite, she hated to walk all the way down the hall to the bathroom when she was younger. She had her own room here when she was younger, which was actually the room Lena was staying in now, but it only made sense that she have the master bedroom now since she was the owner.

After Stef had showered and dressed, she left her bedroom and made her way to the kitchen. There she found Lena standing at the stove, her back to the door. Stef stood there in the doorway, leaning against the archway as she took in the sight before her. Lena's long legs looked longer in the skinny jeans and mid calf boots that she wore. The boots were actually Stef's but she had shown Lena all the shoes she had last night and told her to wear what she wanted. Stef's eyes traveled up slowly, from the floor to her waist, caressing the toned length of her legs and the firmness of her ass beneath the jean material. She was so lost in her thoughts of feeling those legs around her, that she hadn't realized that Lena had turned around and was now smirking at her from across the room. 

 Lena quietly chuckled as Stef became aware of Lena looking over at her. Stef lowered her gaze to the floor, she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, embarrassed that she had been caught ogling her the way she had been. 

"I made breakfast. Would you like some coffee?" Lena asked, not bringing up the fact that she had just caught Stef Staring at her ass.

"Please." Stef said as she sat down on the bar stool at the island.  

Lena grabbed Stef a mug from the cabinet and filled it with coffee before setting down on the counter in front of Stef. She made Stef a plate of food, putting it next to the mug of coffee, before she made her own and sitting down on the stool next to Stef.

"Thank you. You didn't have to make breakfast," Stef said, taking a sip of her coffee, "but I do appreciate it." She said as she eyed the plate of pancakes and bacon in front of her.

"You're welcome. I want to do more things to help out. It's the least I can do." Lena replied as she took a bite of bacon. "So what's on our agenda today?" 

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