Line Of Sight

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December 3, 2015 10:04 A.M.

Stef held the phone to her ear and listened as Walt talked, "You know Tinkerbell, I'm glad that you are enjoying your trip but don't forget to keep Dimples from getting into to much trouble. I know the break up was hard on her but things are beginning to turn around, so tell her to keep her chin up." 

Stef gave a sigh of relief as she looked over at Lena, who was sitting at the kitchen table sipping on a cup of tea. "I'll be sure to tell her, I'm sure she's feeling better about things right now. It's been hard on her, but she's been keeping it together. The breakup just started her on a new path that I think she is excited about taking." Stef said, winking at Lena, who now looked at her with a raised brow, which Stef found sexy as hell. "I'll talk to you later, oh and Mustang...thanks for everything." She said and hung up the phone.

Walking over to where Lena sat, Stef sat down in the chair beside her. "Walt said that things are looking good and that they have a lead on Ramius." It's hard to believe that Stef could decipher Walt's message, but that was just because she was trained to read between the lines. 

"Well that's good news? That means that this could be over soon, right?" Lena looked at hopefully at Stef. 

"It could be. We'll just have to see how things go and keep our guard up. We're not out of the woods yet...but it looks very hopeful."

Lena nodded and got up to put her cup in the sink before grabbing her coat to go back out into the cold. "You ready to get started? I heard on the news that that storm is moving in later this evening. So we might as well get this over with. I'm sure it's not going to be easy trying to teach me how to shoot." 

"You'll do fine, I promise." Stef replied, opening the door for Lena after she put on her own coat. 

December 3, 2015 10:48 A.M.

After a short walk, Stef had moved them into a building at the back of the five acres that surrounded the house. Inside the building Stef had had her father put in a shooting while she recuperated here years ago. She wanted to be able to keep up with her shooting skills during her time off work.   

Lena stood there with her arms raised, the nine millimeter glock seventeen in her hand, with shooting glasses and sound dampening earmuffs on. She had never held a gun in her life and her hands were shaking. Stef stood ten feet behind her and could tell how nervous Lena was, the shaking in her hands was almost to the point of being uncontrollably. She watched as Lena just stood there, arms and legs not in the proper position. 

Stepping up behind Lena, she gently removed the earmuffs from her head. "Leave these off for a moment. I'm going to show you the proper way to stand and how to hold your arms to be able to aim correctly. Just put the gun down on the table in front of you." Stef said as she laid the earmuffs on the table along with her own.

Lena did as Stef asked and placed the gun down on the table. Then she felt Stef's hands on her hips as she took a step closer to her. Lena didn't realize that she was holding her breath until she heard Stef speak softly in her ear.

"Breath Lena." She said, chuckling softly. Lena shivered as Stef's breath washed over her neck and ear. "I'm going to adjust your stance first and then I'll show you how to hold your arms to aim properly." All Lena could do was nod.

Stef squatted behind Lena, running her hands slowly down Lena's left leg, "Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with the foot opposite your dominant hand about a step past the other foot." She said as she adjusted Lena's feet, lining up her legs in the proper stance. "Lean forward slightly with your knees bent, making sure you're firmly balanced."

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