Lessons Learned

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A/N: Okay guys I'm getting tired of putting dates and times in the chapters so I'm stopping that. If there is a time jump or anything like that I will make it clear how much time has gone by during the chapter. I hope you are still enjoying this story as much as I am enjoying writing it. I know it's been a few days since my last update, I apologize for the wait, but my life got in the way of my writing. This chapter won't be as long as the last one, at least, I don't think. As always, please let me know what you think and vote. This song in the video above was in my head as I wrote this chapter. The Black Eyed Peas: Just Can't Get Enough

Lena smiled to herself as she laid next to the naked body of the woman beside her, who was snoring softly into her neck as Lena held her close. She still couldn't believe that she and Stef had taken this step in... whatever you wanted to call this... this relationship. They really hadn't discussed what they were, jut that they wanted to see where it went. Yesterday and last night had been the most eye-opening sexual experiences Lena had ever experienced. She had never been with a woman who had been so attentive to her needs. Stef began to stir in her arms and Lena pulled her a little closer to her, not wanting to let her go just yet. She laid there for a moment before she pulled her head back to look down at Stef. 

Stef's eyes were still closed but she had a smile on her face and Lena's gaze automatically went to her lips. They were calling to her, taunting her, tempting her to kiss them so she leaned down to taste that which was beckoning her. 

Stef's eyes flew open when she felt Lena moving nearer and her hand shot up to cover her mouth, "Uh-uh... nope. Morning breath," Stef said as she tried to roll away from Lena.

"I don't care," Lena replied as she pulled Stef back to her, "Come here woman and kiss me."

Stef laughed out before Lena's lips met hers in a kiss that made her heart flutter. Never had she had a reaction like this from just a simple kiss. Kissing Stef always made her feel alive and... complete, there was no other word for it. She felt safe with Stef... like she had finally found where she belonged. She'd found her place. She'd found home.

When the two pulled apart, Stef pushed Lena's hair back out of her eyes, "Morning, love."

"Good morning," Lena kissed her on the forehead, "Sleep well?" She asked as she laid her head on top of Stef's as she hugged her tighter.

"Mmhmm," Stef hummed her answer as she snuggled into her, wrapping her arm around Lena's waist. "You?"

"Good, to be honest, I slept the best I ever have," she answered as she rolled them over, pinning Stef beneath her. "I just can't get enough of you," she said into Stef's neck, trailing her lips along the slope to her jawline. 

Stef melted into the mattress as  Lena pressed her body more firmly against hers, her hands tangling in the long, dark curls that fell around Lena's face like a curtain. "We need to get ready," Stef mumbled as her body quivered beneath the woman who she was quickly falling for more with every passing day.

Lena pulled back and looked down at her, "Ready for what?"

"Today we start combat training. I know you have your martial arts training but I'm going to teach you more about hand to hand combat."

"But you've already been showing me a little bit of that."

"And I want to show you more. Now get your pretty little ass up and I'll fix breakfast and then we'll get started."

"Yes, ma'am," Lena said smugly.  

"You know... I find it sexy as hell when you call me ma'am." Stef said as she pulled Lena in for a one more kiss before releasing her, giving her a small shove, "Now go, or we'll never get out of bed."

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