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Ered Luin,


"Annetta, wake up! It's time for breakfast!" an older dwarf woman called out. "I'll be there in a few mother!" the young dwarf woman called back. After getting dressed, Anetta braided her auburn hair neatly, as she went to join her parents,Narvin and Lydia at the table. "I'm glad the two of youare here! I have a big announcement to make!" spoke up Narvin. "Oh?" said Lydia and Annetta together."I just received a letter from the King Under the Mountain!" exclaimed Narvin. "The King Under the Mountain? Now why would he write to you?" exclaimed Lydia. "Well because he knows, well pretty much the entire dwarven realms have known in my skills in mining, and the King has asked me to work for him as a mining supervisor.And I accepted his offer. Which means we are moving, my dear loved ones!" beamed Narvin with excitement. "Does that mean we're moving to Erebor,Adad?"asked Annetta. "Yes, my dear Anetta, that means we are moving to Erebor. Annetta felt quite excited at the fact they're moving to the great dwarven kingdom.

Annetta always had dreamt of going there, and now her wishes had came true. "When will be leaving?"asked Lydia. "In two days time,dear. So I highly suggest, the two of you start packing at once!"said Narvin. And so most the afternoon and evening,the Silverbeard Clan started their packing. Two days later, the family departed from Ered Luin, as they begin their journey to Erebor."Also by the way your brother is already there working as a royal guard, so don't forget to say hello to him!" saidNarvin to Annetta that day as they traveled. Annetta remembered that her older brother, Calin, had traveled to Erebor two years back, as he had volunteered to join the Royal Guard. However it took some convincing to the King to hire him on. And it was Balin, Narvin's cousin, who finally convinced the King to hire his oldest son."We get to see cousin Balin as well?" said Annetta. "Yes!"said Narvin. It had been a long time she had seen her cousin Balin--or she barely even got to see him at all in fact. The last time she had seen him when she was only still in diapers. 

 Months to almost a year went by, the Silverbeards finally made it to Erebor. Annetta stood in awe at the Mountain front of her. This is it! We're finally here! I'm so nervous now! I don't know how I'm going to act in front of the King and his Family. I hope they like us! thought Annetta. As they reached the front gate, a dwarf with brown hair greets them. "Cousin Balin!" exclaimed Narvin. "Cousin Narvin! It's been a long time, old chap!" Balin cried out, as both dwarves butt heads, and then embraced. "We've made it here! As you already know my wife, Lydia, and my daughter Annetta!" said Narvin. Balin grinned as he looked upon Annetta. "My you have grown into a beautiful young lass! Its been too long since I last seen you Miss Annetta!" said Balin. "It's been way too long, Cousin. The last time you saw me is when I'm in diapers!" said Annetta,and all of them laughed. "Come, the King is expectingall of you!" said Balin, as he led the family into the mountain. Annetta looked around in amazement,and still in disbelief that she is now inside the great dwarven kingdom, soon to be meeting the King and his family. 

 Soon, they approached two large double doors, as Balin opened them, and they entered the Throne room. Once inside, they could see King Thror sitting on his throne, and his left hand side stood his son, Prince Thrain, and on his right hand side, stood his grandsons Princes Thorin and Frerin. Annetta gasped as one Prince had caught her attention. And it was Thorin. His raven hair reached his shoulders, and he is dressed in a light blue tunic and dark blue fur lined robe. When Thorin saw them, he just glared at them. Commoners! Now why would Grandfather hire them for? What is he thinking? thought the Dwarf Prince. "Ah, Master Narvin Silverbeard! I see that you and your family arrived safely!" spoke up the Dwarf King. "Yes, Your Majesty! We've made it here!" said Narvin. "Would you mind introducing me to the rest of your clan?" asked the Dwarf King. "Of course! Your Majesty! This is my wife, Lydia, and my youngest daughter, Annetta whom just recently just turned 29!" said Narvin. "Hm! I never knew you had a daughter, Master Narvin." said Prince Thrain. "Our daughter was born a few years after Calin! In which by the way, how is he?" asked Narvin.

 King Thror smiled. "He's doing great! He's doing an excellent job as one of my guards! Now let's get down to the main reason why I called you here. I'm in dire need of a mining supervisor, since my current one has become severely ill! Will you accept this job, Master Narvin?" asked King Thror. Narvin smiled. "I will be gladly accept your offer, Your Majesty, however, where are we going to stay?"asked Narvin. "There is no need for you to worry about that, Master Narvin! I have suites already arranged for you and your family! Which my Grandson Thorin here, will guide you too!" said King Thror. "Grandfather, can you have Frerin do it? I have things to do! And besides that, I don't walk with the commmoners!" grumbled Thorin. "Thorin! You will guide the Silverbeards to their suites! And if I hear one more remark of that kind of of you again,you will get slapped!" snapped King Thror hotly. "Yes, Grandfather!" grumbled Thorin. "Oh, and by the way, Thorin! You will soon be getting a maid to help you out--and I have one person in mind who would be perfect for the job!" spoke up King Thror.

"And who is that?" asked Narvin. "Your very own daughter, Master Narvin!" the Dwarf King replied. "Now wait just a minute here! Can't you consult with me first before all of you jumping me into something I have no idea what's it about?" said Annetta sharply. "Yes, Annetta, how would like to work under my Grandson as his maid?" asked the Dwarf King. "Well, I don't know, Your Majesty!" said Annetta slowly. "Say yes, Ann!" hissed Narvin. Annetta sighed. "Yes, I gladly accept the offer."Annetta replied. "WHAT?! Have you lost your damn mind, Grandfather? I'm not going to have some rag doll working for me!!" shouted Thorin. "Rag DOLL? And who in the hell are you calling a rag doll?!" shouted Annetta angrily. Annetta truly hated to be insulted, especially by the Dwarf Prince. She had done no wrong to the Dwarf Prince to be treated this way! 

 "Thorin, what did I tell you about your insults? ENOUGH! Now take the SilverBeards to their suites please!" said King Thror. "Yes, Grandfather!" grumbled Thorin. And so after speaking with the Dwarf King, the Silverbeards  followed Prince Thorin as he led them to their suite. Thorin hardly spoken to them, however he had  kept staring and glaring at Annetta. "It is rude to stare, your Majesty!" said Annetta sharply. Thorin snorted and he quickly looked away. Soon, they arrived to their suites. "If you need anything, send for Balin, I'm sure he will help you out! Good evening!" said the Prince, as he turned and quickly walked away from them. "Well color me red! He actually is being polite!" exclaimed Annetta. "Annetta, enough! It's getting late, and its time for us to get settled in our suites!" said Lydia, sharply, as they entered their suites. 

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